Why we won't quit!!!

I am still talking about the past election and most people say get a life, it is over. It is not over. It can never be over when talking about our electoral system. We Americans must remember that our government is a government Of, By, and For the people and whether you are a democrat, republican, green, libertarian, independent, or another party we must all join as Americans in protecting our voting rights or soon we could lose them and what would our fore fathers have fought for then? We have been in many wars since 1776, but one thing we always fought for was to keep our freedom and at times to help other countries to regain theirs. Voting for ones government is the one thing we have that gives us a very strong voice. To question one's government in time of war is not being unpatriotic. In fact it is the force that ensures that we keep our government on the right path if we the people don't speak out then we lose the power of the people. There was fraud in many places around the country during this past election and we who have fought for recounts in Ohio and other states do so to be sure that all Americans can vote and have their votes count. To do any less is un-American and it will not change anything that will help our voting system. As a result of the recount in Ohio we now know there was fraud, but more important than that we are working to fix the electoral system so that in 2006 and 2008. We know that all Americans who legally can vote and who went out to vote do vote and that vote is counted. A seventy eight year old man died while waiting in line in Ohio waiting to vote. I ask you do you think all of the fore fathers and the millions of Americans who died fighting for our country's freedom fought for it so that Americans can die while waiting in a line to vote? This is America, my friends, and this is not acceptable. And to ensure that the next election is not a repeat of the past I and millions of other Americans will keep the pressure on now and until justice is done.

Join me in protecting all Americans voting rights by writing to Congress at least once every two months on this issue as we must stop having our voting have such flaws. How to fix it. One way is to make all voting in every state use machines that can't be changed or tampered with once it is a week before any election.

Don't like what I said? Then sign in and speak out! This is America you have a voice! And I invite everyone around the globe to speak out. 

Here on AJ Speaks Out blog.


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