Take action today or we may not get another chance.

My fellow Americans it's time you join in on the fight to protect the rights of Senators to disagree and not let one party have all the power be it democrat or republican. I implore you to click on this link and sign this petition today. To my republican friends who may be so partisan as to not sign it thinking why should I care if the republicans have all the power? After all I'm a republican and voted for their ideas and ways of governing. Well, you do realize that someday in the future the democrats or another party will have complete control of the Senate, House, and President which means at such a time your party would be unable to speak out on the Senate floor therefore, this effects you as well as the people who support the democrats political views.

Act now. One last reason to act our fore fathers set up a system of government that has worked for more than 229 years. Who has a right to change that system? Not the democrats nor the republicans. If the system is to be changed let us, the American people vote on it! But, don't let one party get absolute power because we all know absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Sign the petition http://www.democrats.org/action/200503150001.html?psc=demnewse

What I wrote when I signed the petition.

Don't take away democracy and don't even think about changing these rules. Our fore fathers put them in place to protect the American people and to ensure we always have a fair and balanced government. It is not your right or privilege to make such a change.

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