If you care about America.

If you care about America you must be ready to show it by voting in every election, but that is just the very first step. Next, you need to write to your Senators and all of our national leaders. In a few weeks yet another Supreme Court Justice will be appointed. You must tell your Senators which way they need to vote. You may not think this has anything to do with you, but it does. Think about how cases will be ruled on and where your rights may be affected because be clear on one thing who is on the court could very well effect new laws which could limit our rights and freedoms. It could decide if it is legal to smoke in bars, to use medical marijuana to help with the pain from cancer and other diseases. It could effect stem cell research and if a woman can control her body. In short it will decide in many cases between life and death or at least what quality of life you or a loved one or friends may have. Yes, there will be laws and rulings that effect you, your family, and our nation so stand up and be counted or will you let them control your life without any say? Our leaders face tough choices and no matter if you are on the right, center or left it is urgent that you let our leaders know where you stand.

Make your freedom count and help America be an even greater nation.


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