I have some great news! This week, leadership in the House of Representatives was forced to strip language from their version of the budget bill that would have opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and our coasts to drilling. This victory wouldn't have been possible without support from people like you! Thanks to pressure from constituents and the environmental community, a group of Republicans and Democrats held firm -- dealing a major blow to Big Oil, the Bush Administration, and leadership in the House. This victory shows that protecting our natural resources is not a partisan issue -- and that a majority of Americans support a sound energy policy. Even after removing the Arctic and coastal drilling provisions from the bill, House leadership had to pull their version of the budget off the floor because they didn't have the votes to pass it. However, they are likely try to bring it back for a vote in the near future. Although Arctic Refuge and coastal drilling are no longer in the House bill, other anti-environmental provisions remain -- such as a controversial mining land give-away. And last week, the Senate narrowly approved drilling language in their version of the budget bill. We will continue call on our elected officials to keep Arctic Refuge drilling out of a final bill. As we continue to monitor the budget process, we will let you know how you can help. But for now, let's take a moment and celebrate this victory for the Arctic and our coasts!
Thank you for all your support.
League of Conservation Voters