Entire uncut show!
TWO QUICK NOTES! THIS IS THE ENTIRE SHOW IN CASE YOU WANT IT UNCUT And If you notice I keep moving back and forth and my eyes keep moving this is because the sun was in my eyes and also I was tired the day I shot the show but a vital show must be done no matter the cost. Albert Torcaso My fellow Americans and fellow human beings around the world I?m Albert Torcaso, an American, a creator, producer director, videographer, photographer, writer, and host of Humanity Matters. My co - host are Lenell Jones III and my dad, Albert Goldsmith. On April -10 ? 2008 (dad?s birthday) I was out and about while doing my daily missions. I thought why not give some hope to my fellow Americans and a message that it will be okay? Then one had to figure where do you go for such a vital message to one?s country? There were so many great places one can go so where to go? Then like a stone thrown at me it hit me go to a local cemetery! Why there? For that answer you?ll need to watch this show and you will understand completely. This show is filled with ideas that can help all Americans get back on their feet. No, I don?t have money tips or stock tips I have much more than that. I speak about us, the us who are now and the us we once were. I speak about how we can unite and defeat the recession or any roadblock. One who cares about the whole and not just the self truly can attempt to help bring back hope and if Americans get back hope and then decide on the path of success then it won?t be long before all Americans will regain all that we have lost. If you don?t think America can get back on her feet you are wrong therefore, it is vital that you and all the people you know watch some or all of this show and each clip for this show is for all who want success again and for all patriotic Americans. Albert Torcaso Copyright ? 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved www.hmanitymatters.org