Albert Torcaso Presents Clip 4, Surveillance Nation
Albert Torcaso Presents Surveillance Nation. This series of video clips was very tough to produce not because of technical problems, but the subject matter this series of video clips deal with. A new reality that has been coming to America since early 2003 and now with the new Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in addition to the Patriot Acts and the Military Commissions Act of 2006 we now have the laws in place to have all three hundred million Americans under surveillance and without any warrants needed and without Habeas Corpus to protect anyone of us. These new laws take away every American?s freedom and it is tantamount to fascism in America and what we had been fighting against in World War Two. In short, we are facing a new America, but one which our forefathers would rather die than live in. However, I have hope that Americans will finally become aware of these laws and legally and peacefully rebel and then we will repeal all of these laws that strike down the United States Constitution and our freedom. It is time we consider voting out every Senator and Representative who has voted in favor of these laws and many of the leaders we trusted have betrayed us. Now, all Three Hundred Million Americans must act to get these leaders to change their minds and votes or we must elect leaders who will defend us and undo this tragic turn of events.
Albert Torcaso
Copyright 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved
Albert Torcaso
Copyright 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved