Ask Scott Brown to support health care reform and pass it in 2010

Some of you have asked where I received the information on the number of us deaths being nearly 45,000 a year from lack of access to health care coverage. I have a few links provided to answer that question. Please call Congress today to get both democrats and republicans to pass health care reform this year 2010 Ask Scott Brown to support the bill.
But, here are more startling numbers when you take into account the total number of years.
Nearly 445,000 every ten years.
Nearly 890,000 every twenty years.
I ask every American can we accept these many deaths of our fellow Americans due only to lack of health care coverage? In 2001 we got angry
(I am still angry about it and it hurts every day.) about the attack that left 3,700 dead yet, we lost nearly 45,000 that same year due to no health care.
How can we as Americans allow this? I can't stand by and not try to get Congress to pass health care reform in America can you?
My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law.
My fellow Americans call Congress now and get  health care reform passed into law.
1-202-225-3121 save American lives call now. Fact: 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access let us change this.


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