Clip 4, A HUMAN RIGHT • Albert Torcaso tells us Members of Congress pays 1,509 dollars in a three year’s time

 Fight back America!

Clip 4,·       Albert Torcaso about some of the bills that were passed into law by reconciliation since 1981 and a has been used 22 times.

·       A video clip is shown made about three or four years ago.

·       Albert Torcaso reveals more research that proves that reconciliation has been used.

·       Albert Torcaso tells us Members of Congress can pay as little as 1,509 dollars in a three year’s time and these plans that Congress has include all medical needs at no additional deductibles or co pays not another penny for an entire year’s coverage.

·       Albert Torcaso also tells how Congress has access to over 40 such plans and as an added bonus the government pays up to 75 % of their health care plans no matter which one they buy.

·       Dave Ninehouser tells us about a vital bus trip to Washington                    March-9-2010

·       HCAN will be running buses to Washington on the morning of the 9th from all over our state with pick up locations in: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Aliquippa, Allentown, Altoona, Beaver, Clarion, Doylestown, Dubois, Erie, Fairless Hills, Indiana, Lancaster, New Columbia, Pittston, Plymouth Meeting, Pottsville (Cressona), Reading, Shamokin Dam, Stroudsburg, State College, and Williamsport.

You can reserve a space on a bus and find the times and exact locations for each of the cities here.

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

 My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law.

Want the facts about the bill? Go Here.

My fellow Americans call Congress now and get health care reform passed into law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now.

Fact: Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.

Copyright © 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Permission must be granted by Albert Torcaso before any duplications or use of episode is permitted.

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