Clip 4B, Albert Torcaso Interviews Congressman, Joe Sestak A Candidate for US Senate (PA)
Clip 4,
Albert Torcaso asks Senatorial Candidate Joe Sestak what made him join the Navy and how does he feel knowing he is one of America's heroes?
Albert Torcaso makes some lighthearted comments.
End of interview thank you for watching.
The Time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now and must never retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso
Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved
Albert Torcaso asks Senatorial Candidate Joe Sestak what made him join the Navy and how does he feel knowing he is one of America's heroes?
Albert Torcaso makes some lighthearted comments.
End of interview thank you for watching.
The Time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now and must never retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso
Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved