A child has died and I am angry By Albert Torcaso

The following comments I will make come from a story I read on CNN By Bob Greene, 
CNN Contributor on the death of Ethan Stacy, a 4 year old boy, killed by his mother's lover and covered up by her. 
Read Bob Greene's story here. 

I have more thoughts here on Humanity Matters and elsewhere.

Read my Twitter comments below
  • The judge failed Ethan and his father, the mother is sick & should not have had contact without supervision, the system is failing our kids less than a minute ago
  • Ethan didn't have to die - http://bit.ly/9vrGY9 #cnn I am so angry right now I feel as if I could melt steel This child shouldn't have died! 

The fact is that the judge may have been following the divorce decree and the father may have agreed to it, but it states in the report that the father also said he felt his ex-wife had some issues that he worried about the judge at the very least should have ordered some supervised visits and or require counseling for this mother being that the child did not want to visit with her that should have been enough reason being that the father also had worries. Sure, it could have been unnecessary, but in this case clearly it was needed and most likely would have saved this child's life. 

The fact is that the judicial system fails our children on all levels and it is something that must be addressed. Many times children are taken out of loving, caring, safe environments and placed into unsafe foster homes or other institutions and clearly they should have remained home while other children are left at home with abusive parents or family members who could have been placed in a safe, loving, foster home. 

If you seem confused don't be what I am saying here is that the system needs to do better. Hire better case workers as well as having attorneys and judges pay more attention to the child be they 2 years old or 17 years old. In this way we will be better able to address abuse or lack of abuse and help to save more lives.

Albert Torcaso

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.


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