America at risk! By Albert Torcaso

Reid says he has signed onto a debt ceiling deal #cnn

If democrats agree to a deal that has no tax increases to the rich we need to not vote for them in November. If the democratic party is willing to allow the wealthiest Americans to not pay their fair share in taxes and on top of all of that even receive money back as well as allow corporations such as GE to make 101 billion dollars, pay zero in taxes then receive a billion dollars of our taxpayer money then my fellow Americans we have no representation in Congress at all. We have no champions who protect the following groups of Americans.

  • Senior Citizens
  • Middle Class and middle class working Americans
  • Union members of America
  • Disabled Americans
  • Retirees who earned their rights to medicare, social security,retirement and financial security.
  • Impoverished Americans who are 150%  to 700% the federal poverty line.

If we can't have a real balance in Washington in our government where they work for what is best for all Americans we are faced with a much larger problem than a debt celiing. We, in fact, are faced with what are we going to legally and peacefully do about political system where only the extreme wealthy, and super corporations are having access to our leaders. Laws written solely benefit them and have them not only pay little or no taxes, but also receive billions of the tax dollars that you paid into our tax system each and every year of your life.

Fact: You pay your taxes
Fact :GE paid no 2009 taxes, but received 1 billion dollars from the US government.
Fact: Chevron paid no 2009 taxes on a profit of 45 billion dollars.
Fact: The Oil industry has received more than 30 billion dollars in subsidies while paying little or no taxes on top of that they have made record profits since early 2008.

Fact: Exxon Mobile, and Royal Dutch Shell have combined to make an amazing 18 billion dollars of profit and that is in the second quarter alone.
BP made 5 billion dollars even after the cost of the oil spill clean up.

Conclusion: If democrats have no will power to force a fair compromise on these issues and are weak on all others. Americans, both republican, independent, and democrat must realize that we are being made to pay the cost for every bill and for everything in America while both parties take money from all industries and allow them to not pay taxes, move out of America, outsource and harm all Americans as a result.

Solution: Demand a new party, or two, new politicians, new way of doing business new lobbyist reform laws ban all lobbyist money to all members of Congress, their staff members, as well as any money or donations to their families, and or businesses.

New election: rules and new ways to vote for those who are elected.

There should be a only one national primary that would consist of all the current democratic and republican caucuses and primaries. In this way, it would be a more fair way for Americans to elect their leaders.

Campaign  Reform: Require all national elections and or those running for US Congress or US Senate to receive money from the government and be required to accept it. They would receive 25,00 to 100,000 per campaign and not be allowed anymore money or donations from anyone no individual, corporation, union, nor special interest of any group. In this way, would have a level paying field for all candidates and we would keep all moneies out of our elections thus ending all commitments and or favors or influence a candidate may have to a contributor.

If we apply some of what I have laid out in this note then we can legally and peacefully regain and reclaim America. We can regain our futures, jobs, careers, savings, health, power, credit, and morale, but we must start to do this now because it is all to apparent that Washington DC. does not see us as human they see us as numbers, as people to work for them and to also buy all the products that are sold. And while you work to feed your family they keep taking away money from you either by taxes or by inflation. They allow all this financial harm to come to you while at the same time letting the huge corporations of the nation and world pay little or no taxes at all and to top it off, they give these deadbeat corporations that paid nothing billions of your tax dollars.

How do you feel knowing that GE made 101 billion dollars, paid zero taxes and received 1 billion dollars of your tax dollars from our us government?

Take legal and peaceful action start by calling 1-202-224-3121 and let DC know that we want fairness, justice, careers, and our future.

Source of tax information about the top 25 US Corporations came from Forbes Magazine Web Site.

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need. 

Copyright 2011 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.


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