A Better Way to Help You. Save Money Now On What You Need. Earn Money?

I am not going to lie to you I really never have a great holiday. In fact, I had barely had enough food to eat on Christmas Day and truth be told I have never had much as I am at the extreme end of the financial line. I am well below it. So, why tell you? To let you know my reasons for past and future actions.

Since a few months ago I have really been working to learn about the affiliate marketing business and any and all internet businesses. I need to earn an income. In Oct I joined a business that resells products online and offline in the real world and they are one of the best in the business. I am trying to learn all about that as well. I am diversifying in as much as I am trying to learn all that I can about each business.

Why should this matter to you? Money! Yeah, I said money to be even more direct your money, the money you have now, the money you will spend, the money you will earn at your career or job and the money you have yet to have and earn. What I learn is going to have a direct impact on your money if you are a viewer of my videos and or blogs.

How? As I said I am learning or at least attempting to learn then carryout brand new tasks and to drive many more people to my site, Humanity Matters Dot Org http://www.humanitymatters.org

This means I will need to learn how to make great content for article marketing, join forms, submit to search engine directories, and find ways to get great back links and comments from people such as you as well as from other sites. Help by telling everyone you know about this great site, spread the word, please it will help both of us.

Now, how does what I do and or learn impact you? I have great deals on affiliate banners and links right now and I am an affiliate of Amazon and all of the companies that you have seen in my post, on other pages and in the past.

Had you bought these products from me you would have had great products shipped to your home and in many cases free shipping! Like great shipping on most products you buy From Amazon Dot Com. Look at this great bargain.

Now, how does it really affect you? Below, is a list of a few ways how what I am able to do has affected you and will affect you in the future.

No person can go back in time, right? That means the bargains I had that you missed are gone, but that's fine because you still have thousands of bargains if you click on my Amazon links. For example you will get whatever deal is featured in that banner or link and you will also be able to receive great deals on many products on Amazon. Now that means if you click the banner buy that item and still wish to shop at Amazon. You will still get great bargains and even better ones since you used what is known as an affiliate link. 

In addition, if you look through older posts on my blog you will see many links, banners to other offers like Netflix and many more. You will also see links to my astores which are Amazon stores where Amazon affiliates are allowed to make what amounts to their own store of products they want to promote.

I will now add a small list of links.

  • My new online re-selling business with top of the line products that is safe and effective and safe on the environment. visit here
  • An AStore filled with great camera deals! visit here
  • Great deals on gift cards on below banner and fantastic high heels at this visit & save link at Amazon. visit here
  • Foods that may help you heal from cancer or maybe be cured. visit & learn
  • Great deals on Verizon Wireless products. Click now.

Now, I give you my closing reasons for how what I do or don't do and or learn affects your bottom line just as it affects mine at least to some extent. I will also make the case as to why you should take my advice and what I am an expert on. 

Why you should visit my new business it has been around for more than fifty years, has no financial debt, and has a 180 day return policy. 
The products are safe for you to use around your family such as your children.

They have great value and are among the best. They don't use harmful ingredients in their products so they don't hurt the earth. This is but one reason to view my new business site and consider trying out some of the products. Link

This new business opportunity that I have joined is but one aspect of what I have in terms of products you use and can save time, money and travel on, you may have noticed that I also have many competing deals companies and even different affiliate networks in fact in some post I may have competing products such as two or more wireless products and or companies there is a reason for this. Yes, it may even undercut my possible future profits, but again, I want to help you improve your life if that means you choosing another deal or a lesser cost product over another or Amazon over my new re-seller business so it shall be. You matter most not the ad, not the company, network and not the product or products you!

This new business opportunity that I have joined is but one aspect of what I have in terms of products you use and can save time, money and travel on. You may have noticed that I also have many competing deals companies and even different affiliate networks. In fact, in some posts I may have competing products such as two or more wireless products and or companies there is a reason for this. Yes, it may even undercut my possible future profits, but again, I want to help you improve your life if that means you choosing another deal or a lesser cost product over another or Amazon over my new re-seller business so it shall be. You matter most, not the ad, not the company, network and not the product or products you!

For your shopping needs? Because I tell you the truth on every issue or subject I cover be it a presidential election, child abuse or any matter. I also provide you with entertainment as such you’re already here looking at great content why not also look at each ad and maybe save a small or large amount of money?

Another reason is although I never covered this subject matter from the perspective of my being very financially strapped making only 700 dollars a month to survive on. The fact is I do find some way to survive. This could be a new subject matter to tackle I will consider it.

Now, a few more reasons to shop while on my site. I am an Amazon Dot Com and USA Today affiliate and they have strict rules and requirements to become an affiliate of theirs I met these requirements.

You can click on any Amazon Dot Com Ad or link that I have here and you can receive that special discount as well as shopping for other items at Amazon while there, but there are also great reviews there on just about any product you will ever consider buying.

You can go to Amazon Dot Com through my banner ads and do your research there by reading reviews, checking prices and then buying that item or items.

I am a Google Adsense and Google Affiliate network affiliate which means I can also have a Google search engine bar.

This allows you to use Google search engine right through my link here then come back and buy what you wish.

Finally, I am here to entertain, inspire, comfort, and inform you and to help make your life better.

Being that I have almost no money you can bet that when I say something is a bargain it is. I know bargains! I go to stores and buy dollar or fewer items and find ways to make dinners out of them. I figured out how much bathroom tissue I need per month and buy just enough for the month!


My business sells 1,000 sheets bathroom tissue 48 rolls for 49.08 dollars. That's 48,000 sheets of bathroom tissue! I bet you won't run out for a while. Go to the site and put in bathroom tissue. There are other packages with lower costs.

Again: Not shopping http://www.humanitymatters.org could very well be costing you money and on a very personal note I am asking you to trust me, I promise that you will not regret it.

Albert Torcaso

Need hand soap, laundry soap, dish detergent, bottled water, vitamin water, energy drinks, peanut butter, cereal, cosmetics, nutrient, minerals, vitamins, weight loss products? We have all of that and so much more and every item has a six month money back guarantee. Every item is shipped to your door and no traffic or long lines to worry about. Be ready for the next storm by stocking up on water and all the supplies that you need order now and have all that you need. Visit site and order here.


The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 

Albert Torcaso 

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

Albert Torcaso 

Look to Humanity Matters Dot Org For Content, Information, Entertainment And For Great Deals On Products and Services That You Need. 

Another great bargain for you! Consider getting it now before it's too late  

Copyright 2004 - 2013 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.


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