You are going to help heal or harm people today depending on whom you vote for. If you don't vote that will also cause people to be harmed or killed. I ask you to run out to your vehicle, bus or walk, crawl or walk just get to the polls and vote for life PLEASE.

Members of the House And Senate who seek to overturn or Repeal Obamacare are Traitors to our nation!

THEY ARE EYE OPENING READ THEN Vote in those members of Congress who will keep this law and keep Americans alive.

NO It's Truth!!!
This Is About Life We Need Your Vote Nov 4th 2014 Lives will be saved or lost depending on your voting and voting for life!

Need help paying for health care?Cost assistance to individuals, families and small businesses throughout the marketplace.


More information here and below!

• All major medical insurance is guaranteed issue, meaning you can’t be denied coverage for any reason.

• You have the right to quickly appeal any health insurance company decision.
• You have the right to get an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage.
Young Adults can stay on their parent’s plan until 26.
• A large improvement to women’s health services.
• Reforms to the healthcare industry to cut wasteful spending.
• Better care and protections for seniors.
New preventative services at no-out-of pocket costs.
Essential health benefits like emergency care,

  • If we repeal Obamacare we harm Women.
  • Seniors.
  • Young Adults.
  • Patients with pre-existing conditions.
  • Bring back limits on the amount of care you may be afforded.
  • Lose access to free preventative services.
Don't Harm millions of your fellow Americans.

This Is About Life We Need Your Vote Nov 4th 2014 Lives will be saved or lost depending on your voting and voting for life!

Helps seniors save thousands of dollars and millions not face pre-existing conditions AND NO LIMITS ON CARE! Vote to save it!

Seems extreme yes, I know, but you must understand the truth is always the truth no matter how strange it may seem.

Do your family, yourself and your nation a huge favor vote Nov 4th 2014 and vote to save and heal lives.

Advantages Offered By ObamaCare
Before ObamaCare (the Affordable Care Act) many low-to-middle income Americans and small businesses had trouble affording healthcare for themselves and their families. If you were sick in the past you could be denied health coverage or treatment with little right to an appeal. Companies could charge you more based on your health status and charged higher rates for being a woman (making insurance unaffordable). If you lost work based coverage you would have to rely on expensive COBRA insurance for a limited time.
The Affordable Care Act contains provisions that solve all of these problems. We will get to your rights and protections in a minute. First, let’s look at how ObamaCare addresses cost.

Affordable Care Act Fact: Over 60% of bankruptcies in the U.S. are medical related and almost 3/4 who go bankrupt do so despite having insurance. By 2014 the elimination of both lifetime and annual limits will protect Americans from going bankrupt by allowing them to continue treatment as long as they need it, not just until their dollar limit is reached.

My business has the best driver’s protection plan in America. I urge you to review it then sign up it could save you thousands of dollars.

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.
Albert Torcaso  Look to Humanity Matters for information that will improve your life.  A great service to be a customer of and a great way to earn an extra income to use as you wish. Maybe you want to help other people or animals? This could be the vehicle that lets you achieve it!

Copyright 2004 - 2014 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Helps seniors save thousands of dollars and millions not face pre-existing conditions AND NO LIMITS ON CARE! Vote to save it!

Seems extreme yes I know, but you must understand the truth is always the truth no matter how strange it may seem.

Do your family, yourself and your nation a huge favor vote Nov 4th 2014 and vote to save and heal lives.


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