Americans wake up now!

Well, I said I was turning my back on them and I did! I told people that I was not going to let republicans or democrats in DC control this country for their own gain. I am an American who believes that every vote counts and every American who voted needs their vote to count.

No exceptions. If their vote was legal you count the vote. And as far as the long lines game that many areas and states played it should be illegal.

Both parties are guilty of this injustice. We saw the proof when democrats joined republicans in rejecting the challenge to Ohio's vote totals.

Should we have rejected Ohio's vote totals? Yes, without question we should have and if need be make the entire country re-vote. Why? Because this is to be government Of, By, and For the People that is why!

If we allow the leaders of this country to dismiss votes so easy then we are the losers not Bush, Gore, or Kerry, but all of us.

So, when the democrats said okay, fine let's forget about rejecting Ohio's vote totals and get on with the business of lining our pockets with America's money and let us take money from all Americans and keep them believing that we care about them when in fact we are all liars and help each other cheat the people of America.

Then I said It's time I leave the democratic party! I won't be a pawn in their game and as far as I am concerned the republicans and democrats disgraced America and the fore fathers on Jan-6-2005.

I am now registered as no affiliation and I have no intention of supporting a system that lies to it's people. I challenge everyone of you to think with your own mind and don't just vote democrat or republican anymore because they don't care about you or me and If we do nothing then we will lose the greatness of this country and that greatness starts with voting.

Don't let the founders of America down, my fellow Americans, take action today, Jan-29-2005 and forever by telling the leaders in DC we are not sheep, you do not lead us by words, you lead us by actions and your actions on Jan-6-2005 were appalling and now we will vote you out in 2006, 2008, and beyond.

Maybe the greens and libertarians are not the answer that is a question that will be answered with the passing of time and there are some good republicans and democrats left in Congress who do believe in the values our fore fathers believed, but you must start paying attention to how your representatives and senators vote and if they don't care about you then KICK THEM OUT!!

We will get America back peacefully and legally, but we will get it back if not for us then out of respect of our fore fathers and mothers.

Gasoline cost close to 2.00 again. Milk cost 3.55, cereal cost between 3.00 up to 8.00 a box. You don't think your effected by policies of this and past American administrations? Think about some of those examples I gave then tell me they don't effect you.

Cost can go up or down, but If we want them to go down we must take action, my fellow Americans.

Corporations own our leaders, but they don't own you or me so let's stop the madness today by peaceful and legal resistence.


Anonymous said…
Do you really think anything the public says or does is really going to matter? We're all just puppets, dude. They pull the strings.
Albert Torcaso said…
Yes, I do think we can change things we got the Ohio recount and we now have Ohio changing the way they cast and count votes. But It is up to us to take back America peacefully and legally why don't you join in on it by demanding fair elections and honest government? At least you and I will know we are no sheep they control.

I think we can change America for the better but it is up to us to believe we can and also to act.

Let us not lose the greatest country on earth and not one more once of civil rights lost we must have freedom.
Albert Torcaso said…
For the children to have a great future we must make it happen now. Start fighting back be peaceful and observe all laws but do not let yourself be controled by DC. We have power let us ues it.
Mark Rauterkus said…
Both old parties are too old for me too. I've gone Libertarian and would LOVE for you to consider it for yourself as well. I could use your insights and attitudes in action in the weeks to come.

Give me a call if you have some down time: 412-298-3432. Could better explain on the phone.
Anonymous said…
well, well, well
an american with mind of his own? keep it that way and you will be happy ever after. all the best from the old world!
Anonymous said…
Mark, I have been sick for five days now, but I will contact you this week.

To all who have posted a comment I thank you and to all people no matter your political party or lack of it I say to you don't let them tell you what or how to think and if you feel as I do that we are getting the run around from both parties then do as I did and leave or stay in your party, but fight back peacefully and legally to ensure that we, the people, elect the government and that they listen to all American voices and not just those who have millions or billions of dollars. As for the special interest and corporations sure they have the money and get the laws made, but we have the people and if millions of us get off of our cans and bug the living heck out of these politicians on a weekly basis you had better believe thing will CHANGE! And If they still won't listen? Then we vote them all out. Or keep them in for awhile, but have a fifty million e-mail, calls, faxes, snail mail and march on Washington combined, sustained campaign and trust me then they will listen.

So I ask every single American in America to now stand up and be counted, get involved and have our government work for us and listen to us. Of, By, and For the People must matter again.

Note: each year or two Congress votes to raise their pay. Why? Did we say they could? Do we get to say boss, I giving myself a raise and you have no say over it? Or do we go to the owner and say I gave myself a raise and you are forced to pay it? No, we don't do that, but Congress does! And Who are their bosses, we are. Yet, they raise their pay even if we don't approve of it. Why? Let's take action to stop this or let us go to the place where we work and raise our pay and make the boss pay it. Sure I'm joking about us raising our pay, but Congress really does it and they don't even ask the boss if they can. Let stop it now.

Over two hundred and forty thousand dollars a year after you consider the pay, medical, and benefits that much money for every representative and senator a year and don't be surprised when they raise it again this year or next. I don't know about you, but I would like a quarter of a million dollars a year plus lifetime free great healthcare too. Can we all run for Congress?

Let us no longer be scammed!

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