Vote them out and bring Of, By, and For the people back..
After you read what I write here you should go to and click on many links and you will learn much of what I speak about is also on the Green Party site.
Fellow democrats and republicans I call on you as American to take action now and in the next two to twenty elections and to vote out those who have turned their backs on us. Look, It matters not If you supported Bush or Kerry it matters not be you republican or democrat. I say to you we were betrayed on Jan-6-2005 when they rejected the challenge to Ohio's vote total. Sure, If you supported Bush you may be saying I was not betrayed and I'm happy with the outcome. You're happy? Don't you understand that with Ohio's totals being counted when so many people were not able to vote because of long lines, rejection of legal voters, and many tricks played on people around the state that we as a nation hurt our country? If we the people allow this then why have any elections at all? Is it about winning at all cost? Is It about stealing elections? Is it fine to cheat if you are not caught? I say no, it is not! The facts speak loud and clear that we had cheating in at least the last two elections and I will say it is most likely true that both sides cheated, but that is not even the point. The point is we need a system that allows recounts, but we need a system that has a fail safe system where no side can cheat on computers or machines. And paper ballots must go and go now! We are writing online right now. Are you telling me we can't make a voting system in which no one could cheat? The people who make the voting machines should sign a contract which is enforced by federal law that after such a date that no one can touch that machine unless it needs fixed and If it needs fixed there should be people present from the democratic, republican, Green, and Libertarian parties so that there can be no cheating by any parties. That's just for starters. Another law don't let republicans or democrats or any party who is running a campaingn be in charge of the votes or be able to direct how and when the votes are counted or how any recounts are conducted. We should get rid of this Congress by slowly but surely start voting in Green party candidates and Libertarian party candidates to show all in Congress both House and Senate we mean business when we say Of, By, and For the People. We damn well mean it! I bet you If we start voting in third party candidates that both the democratic and republican parties will listen to us as they won't want to lose anymore power.
And to my democratic or republican friends I say this. Almost every year late at night hidden in some bill the House and Senate all agree, both parties and houses that it's just fine to raise their pay. Now, I ask you when did you ever get a job and say I don't need my boss to give me a raise? I can just do it myself! The point is both sides vote to give themselves a raise democrats and republicans and they do it no matter what hardships we, the people, are having. Did you vote for them to each get almost two hundred thousand dollars a year while you get less than fifty thousand? Did you vote to let them have free first class healthcare for the rest of their lives? They and their families get it and pay only five thousand a year. Even CEOS in huge firms don't get that. So once again I say to you vote them all out and start in 2006!
Fellow democrats and republicans I call on you as American to take action now and in the next two to twenty elections and to vote out those who have turned their backs on us. Look, It matters not If you supported Bush or Kerry it matters not be you republican or democrat. I say to you we were betrayed on Jan-6-2005 when they rejected the challenge to Ohio's vote total. Sure, If you supported Bush you may be saying I was not betrayed and I'm happy with the outcome. You're happy? Don't you understand that with Ohio's totals being counted when so many people were not able to vote because of long lines, rejection of legal voters, and many tricks played on people around the state that we as a nation hurt our country? If we the people allow this then why have any elections at all? Is it about winning at all cost? Is It about stealing elections? Is it fine to cheat if you are not caught? I say no, it is not! The facts speak loud and clear that we had cheating in at least the last two elections and I will say it is most likely true that both sides cheated, but that is not even the point. The point is we need a system that allows recounts, but we need a system that has a fail safe system where no side can cheat on computers or machines. And paper ballots must go and go now! We are writing online right now. Are you telling me we can't make a voting system in which no one could cheat? The people who make the voting machines should sign a contract which is enforced by federal law that after such a date that no one can touch that machine unless it needs fixed and If it needs fixed there should be people present from the democratic, republican, Green, and Libertarian parties so that there can be no cheating by any parties. That's just for starters. Another law don't let republicans or democrats or any party who is running a campaingn be in charge of the votes or be able to direct how and when the votes are counted or how any recounts are conducted. We should get rid of this Congress by slowly but surely start voting in Green party candidates and Libertarian party candidates to show all in Congress both House and Senate we mean business when we say Of, By, and For the People. We damn well mean it! I bet you If we start voting in third party candidates that both the democratic and republican parties will listen to us as they won't want to lose anymore power.
And to my democratic or republican friends I say this. Almost every year late at night hidden in some bill the House and Senate all agree, both parties and houses that it's just fine to raise their pay. Now, I ask you when did you ever get a job and say I don't need my boss to give me a raise? I can just do it myself! The point is both sides vote to give themselves a raise democrats and republicans and they do it no matter what hardships we, the people, are having. Did you vote for them to each get almost two hundred thousand dollars a year while you get less than fifty thousand? Did you vote to let them have free first class healthcare for the rest of their lives? They and their families get it and pay only five thousand a year. Even CEOS in huge firms don't get that. So once again I say to you vote them all out and start in 2006!