Listen up my friends If you got an e-mail from PayPAl asking you to give them your information IT'S A SCAM DON'T DO IT. I got one and knew right away It was a scam for these reasons.

1, It did not address me by name and PayPal will always address you by name.

2, It said due to fraud they needed me to update my information, Credit card, User name, account number and password. PayPal would never ask for these items and think about it. If there was a flaw in their web site and e-mail security why would they ask you to risk even more information?

3, It had no reply e-mail or snail mail address and not even a toll free phone number.

In short It was all the clues pointing to a trick by people trying to steal your information and money.

I called PayPal and sure enough I was correct I just hope all the other people who got these e-mail messages knew as I did that this was a scam.

If you did fall victim to this scam, e-mail PayPal this second and then call them and then change every bit of information you have on PayPal such as credit card information, password, and anything that could harm your bank account or good credit.

Note: There is another e-mail scam out there claiming that the FBI wants your information DON'T GIVE IT OUT THESE ARE SCAMS! If you get that e-mail call the FBI at once.

Here is the PayPal phone number. Call us toll-free at: 1-888-221-1161


Anonymous said…
You can also forward the bogus e-mails to
Albert Torcaso said…
Shar, thanks for giving the e-mail information.
Anonymous said…
What in the hell is going on here? I keep coming back here and there is a different format. Very strange, indeed... :)
Albert Torcaso said…
We were trying out new formats to see which one worked best.
Anonymous said…
Well it is a strange persons blog is it not? Must say like this format do I.
Albert Torcaso said…
Strange? Well, maybe but who would ever want to be normal? That would be boring don't you think? If I ever get boring I'm going to scream.
Anonymous said…
Start your screaming. You're already boring.
Albert Torcaso said…
No i am not and as proof of this you are here aren't you? Well, If you were amused then you would not be here would you?
Anonymous said…
I love you, Al!
Anonymous said…
I love you, Al!

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