Breast implants should women get them?

Women and men. I want your opinion on this matter. Should women get implants if they are not for medical reasons? I say absolutely not. My reasons listed below.

1, Implants make the woman's breast look fake and unnatural.

2, They don't move much when a woman is resting or sleeping and are hard most of the time which may cause the woman pain.

3, Men like me who like breast and enjoy foreplay don't much like the feel or look of breast implants.

4, Saline or Silicone why risk your health with these chemicals or by-products in your body?

5, Real men don't care if the woman they love have large breast, they love the woman, not her breast size.

6, If you are in the entertainment business and they ask you to have breast implants are you willing to risk your health or life just to get one or two acting , singing or other entertainment jobs?

7, I am a man who loves women and I admit I have seen many movies that had love scenes with nudity. I have always liked seeing a woman with real breast as opposed to implants that in many cases make the woman look deformed.

8, Breast size is not what should matter to a person who loves you. I would rather have a woman with small breast, medium, medium large, or large breast any day over implants that often are huge and I have to say this sometimes look like mini beach balls instead of a part of a woman's body.

9, Like any man who likes breast I enjoy large breast on a woman, but only If they are natural. I also happen to like medium sized breast or even small. It is the woman I like best not her breast. If that is the only important factor for the person you are dating or living with I would tell that woman to dump that person.

10, I make love to the complete woman. I love her mind, soul, and body and while I do like breast the most of all the erotic, sexual areas of a woman what I like most is to make that woman get the most sexual and romantic pleasure I can possibly give to them. When I am having an intimate encounter with a woman I make sure to please them before I even consider my own personal pleasure as pleasing them ends up pleasing me.

To close I say to all women If you don't need implants for medical reasons such as a loss of a breast to cancer ( I hope that never happens.) Then you should not get implants. To those women with implants now I say consider getting them removed someday in the future. Worry about your health not some person who is selfish in his or her needs and by all means don't get implants just to be in the entertainment industry.

Say no to implants women of the world. Beauty is natural, not silicone.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.


Anonymous said…
All that you say is your personal opinion. Women should do what they want with their breasts whether for cosmetic or not. Your opinion seems abit on the selfish side, as usual. You don't need to tell women to say no to implants. Who do you think you are?
Albert Torcaso said…
How do you figure I am being selfish? I am telling them don't let men tell you what to do.

Brains would be good if you used them you know? Why don't you ever use yours before you make foolish comments?
The Green Bard said…
I agree with most points you make, AJ, but having said that I am a fan of Jordan's! However, I would like her if she didn't have huge boobs!
Albert Torcaso said…
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Albert Torcaso said…
Steve, there is nothing at all wrong with huge breast. I just think getting them from implants for the wrong reasons do not make much sense. Real breast that are large are fine and so are implants If the woman got them for he own reasons and not because someone told her to do it. Big breast are just as nice as small breast. Steve, you had the right idea and I am glad men can say how they really feel and not look like creeps.
Anonymous said…
Where are you telling women not to let men tell them what to do? You say nothing of the sort. And you want to say to me that I am foolish in my first comment to your silly write up on breast implants? It seems to me that you wrote this thing because you think women should not get implants because YOU don't enjoy them. What's this crap about how you love the complete woman? You are such a nut-case! No one should ever listen to actors about anything. What do they know? Not much! You are the selfish one disguising your words to mean one thing but really saying what you feel for your own satisfaction. I can easily see through your lilly liberal messages. You and your Hollywood socialists just want to control others and the way they think. Stop your bull.
Anonymous said…
Why don't YOU grow up, you numbskull! I can't believe you say stupid things. I do not tell anyone to get breast implants. They make that decision all on their own. If women risk their lives getting breast implants then that's up to them to choose what they want to do (I thought you libs were all about "choice"). Why do YOU have to tell them what to do? Who the hell do you think YOU are?
Anonymous said…
Oh come on. When's the last time you felt any titty?
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, my boy it would seem you are the foolish one. Choice is what women should and do have but boneheads like you beg them to get larger breast just to please you! I'm saying to women before you go out there and take such a risk that you think about the risk and don't do it for bonehead like Davy here. If you want the for yourself and know the risk and decide to get them then fine but don't let some fool beg you into getting them for him.

I like breast in fact that is the first part of a woman's body that excites me when we are making love I like any size breast but I like the woman first the breast is only a bonus. As for large or small If the woman is healthy that is all that matter to me.

When is the last time I touched a breast? I can't tell that secret I'll only say that I love women!!
Anonymous said…
Al, you really are cute, did you know that? I'm not one who would beg anyone to get a breast implant. Why do you accuse ME of something like that? See, you just ASSUME that I would do that. It's not true even though you insist it is. When's the last time you touched a breast? You can touch your own all the time.
Albert Torcaso said…
I don't tell people when I'm with a woman in a romantic encounter that would be rotten to brag. I will only say I love women and we will leave it at that.
Anonymous said…
Good for you, but you didn't answer my question.
Albert Torcaso said…
You like implants Davy? Maybe you should get yourself one then you could finally be happy.
Anonymous said…
Yeah! I'll have a gigantic dick!
Albert Torcaso said…
Have fun with that Davy.

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