Computers can tick you off.

I had to fix my computer three times in two weeks. I bought a new motherboard and processor but then I find out my processor is not as fast as I was lead to believe. Worse yet I had to reformat three times in two days and it took me six hours to get back my sound. Lucky for me I have gone through many problems with computers in the past so I now seem to be my very own tech. I called tech at Microsoft and a computer store and they did not know how to fix it I figured it out by my own by detective reasoning.

I can't understand how a person can get a tech job at any company and then not know how to fix the problems.


Anonymous said…
All they do is read from a printed script. If you're problem isn't on it, too bad. I've ended up in India each time I've called Dell.
Albert Torcaso said…
I don't care where I'm calling be it America, Canada or India to many times they have not been able to fix the problem I think it's time they give them new scripts or better lessons on fixing the issues people have with their computers. Thanks Shar, for posting.
Anonymous said…
Hey Shar looks just like Mrs Peel
Anonymous said…
How else can you be ticked off?
Albert Torcaso said…
Wouldn't you love to know that answer. But you won't.
Anonymous said…
You probably haven't had a good ticking off in a real long time, have you?
Albert Torcaso said…
Don't bet on it pal.
Anonymous said…
You must tick yourself off then?

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