Con-gress gets 250.000 And your paying for it!

Each year or two Congress votes to raise their pay. Why? Did we say they could? Do we get to say boss, I giving myself a raise and you have no say over it? Or do we go to the owner and say I gave myself a raise and you are forced to pay it? No, we don't do that, but Congress does! And Who are their bosses, we are. Yet, they raise their pay even if we don't approve of it. Why? Let's take action to stop this or let us go to the place where we work and raise our pay and make the boss pay it. Sure, I'm joking about us raising our pay, but Congress really does it and they don't even ask the boss if they can. Let stop it now.

Over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year after you consider the pay, medical, and benefits that much money for every representative and senator a year and don't be surprised when they raise it again this year or next. I don't know about you, but I would like a quarter of a million dollars a year plus lifetime free great healthcare too. Can we all run for Congress?
Let us no longer be scammed!

The only way we change this is by taking action, my fellow Americans, and that means peaceful protest, letters both e-mail and snail mail, calls, faxes, if millions of us start doing this once a week then we will change things. If we do nothing then we have just told Congress go ahead spend our money and hurt the future of America. I ask you to join me by taking said action and sending this post to every American you know or sending a link to my post. This is not about me, my fellow Americans, this is about the future of our nation and your child's future. Even If you don't see the alarm bells ringing at least join me in learning all you can about how Congress is spending the money we send to DC. If we join with millions then in the end we will have a much safer, healthier, educated, America now and in the future.


The Green Bard said…
Well said, AJ and the same thing goes on here in the UK with officials on local councils who award themselves pay rises. You often read complaints about this sort of thing in the press. It is a case of the rich making themselves even richer again! And, yes, they get away with it because nobody stops them!
Albert Torcaso said…
I'm going to try and stop them by getting people to vote them out. I hope you can try that in the UK too.
Anonymous said…
You are absolutely right about the Congressional pay raises. This is the most blatant demonstration that they think they are the People's masters rather than our employees. They know the voters won't fire them, because they've rigged the system so that well over 90% are sure of re-election.

And the screwy logic they sometimes use to justify it:

"If we don't get paid more than we will be even more corrupt."

"We need to attract smart people to run for office." As if really smart people would be attracted to pandering and lying to voters to get elected.

But most of the time they don't need to rationalize it it all. They just pass the pay raise by voice vote in the middle of the night. And it's not like they don't get raises anyway. The Cost Of Living Adjustments come every year, even without a vote.

It's the retirement benefits that are the big ticket. Gerald Ford, because he was in Congress so long, gets around $2.5 million/year retirement -- far more than any ex-President. Dan Rostenkowsky, who was convicted of criminal wrongdoing and was censured by the House for corruption, gets his retirement pay.

The really sad thing, though, is that their pay is a drop in the bucket when considering the bloated federal budget. The Department of Education has, or at least had, a few cars on their books worth $900,000. Is any car worth that much? These weren't; it was just a way to hide funds that had been absconded and spent who-knows-where.

Congress is often saying that the American People must make sacrifices for the common good. If they were sincere about this, they would offer to share in the sacrifice by cutting their own bloated pay.

Dave Hines
(I have no qualms about using my name, just get tired of all those passwords.)
For more of my diatribes, see:
Albert Torcaso said…
David, is correct America but If we act now we the people could change this.

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