I am down but not for the count...

I am currently under the weather as I am fighting the flu. However, I am not down for the count as yet and I shall return soon to spout my unique brand of philosophy and intellect.

I will soon return to engage in intellectual discourse. Stay tuned...

You ain't see nothing yet!!!

-- Albert


Anonymous said…
You don't have a "unique" brand of philosophy and intellect. You're no different than the average liberal. But you sure can "spout" though. Spouting is all you know how to do. Just look at the word "spout" in the dictionary. It really becomes you. It says "spout" means "to shoot out, as liquid through a pipe." So, like urine through your mouth, you "spout".
Albert Torcaso said…
I don't know who you are, but what you are is a person who does not know how to observe the facts and you become nothing more than a talking head. You claim I'm always of one viewpoint this is not the case. I am of the viewpoint that makes the most logic. If being liberal means I see and use logic then you bet your hands I'm a liberal! However, those who really know me know that I am also very sure that those who commit crimes must face the pain of what they have done and must be in the pen for life If they kill someone. The death penalty should be given if there is one hundred percent DNA proof that the person is guilty of the crime and if the crime was premeditated, but If It was done out of anger in a moment of madness one should at least consider life imprisonment as opposed to death as people do lose their minds sometimes and lose control.

The death penalty veiwpoint would be considered a conservative one which throws your comments out the door where they can be exposed as one who judges without thinking first. I am a man who believes in many viewpoints and thinks for myself. Why do you think I am no longer with any political party? I am nobody's sheep, I think for myself and if you learn how to do this as well then you shall finally realize that both parties are giving us words, but not actions and in the end do whatever they want to do.
Anonymous said…
From what I've read of your "spouting" it seems to me you have no idea of what logic is. Liberals like you talk out of your butt and everything you say is upside down. Okay, so you're for the death penalty, big deal! Is that supposed to show me something about your character? So you're not with any political party? Then you must be outside the political circle and so that means you're opinion is meaningless.

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