Patriotic American? Prove it!!!

You really call yourself a Patriotic American? Well, then help us get real election reform whether you're a non partisian, republican, reform, green, libertarian, democrat, or any other party. You must all join in unison with me and Mrs. Clinton in demanding real election reform and not let another election even be close to being called unfair, unjust, fraudulent, or in any way manipulated. We must not let disinfranchisement enter our elections anymore. Stand up and be counted go and sign the petition and prove that you really are a Patriotic American.

It's time to tell those who celebrate elections and voter participation in countries around the world that we must make sure every vote is counted in elections right here at home!

That's why I am asking you to sign on now as a citizen co-sponsor of vitally important election reform legislation.

Next week, I will introduce the Count Every Vote Act of 2005, co-sponsored by Senator Barbara Boxer. This comprehensive election reform bill will:

* Provide a verified paper ballot for every vote cast in electronic voting machines.
* Set a uniform standard for provisional ballots, so that every qualified voter within the state will know their votes are treated equally and will be counted.
* Require the Federal Election Assistance Commission to issue standards that ensure uniform access to voting machines and election personnel in every community. It's outrageous that some people in predominently minority communities had to wait up to 10 hours to vote, while people in other communities often voted in minutes!

In 2004, I introduced legislation similar to the Count Every Vote Act. But it never saw the light of day. I couldn't even get a hearing for my bill before the Senate Rules Committee. We can't allow this new legislation to suffer the same fate.

Will you join me in calling for action to Count Every Vote? Will you sign up to become a citizen co-sponsor of this bill, so that we can demonstrate that the American people won't sit still for inaction on legislation so essential to our freedom?

Please forward this e-mail to your friends, and ask them to join us. Together, we will restore the credibility of American democracy, and make sure that we count every vote.


Hillary Rodham Clinton


Anonymous said…
I wouldn't trust anything Hilary does or says. She's E-V-I-L!
Albert Torcaso said…
We don't need to trust her or anyone in DC what we need is action by the people and that includes you. So sign it and don't worry about her actions worry only about what you can do to make America an even greater country.
Albert Torcaso said…
I signed it. And I ask every Patriotic American to join with me and sign it now.
Anonymous said…
And YOU would blindliy follow the PIED PIPER and jump into the cold river as well...
Albert Torcaso said…
You have completely missed the point. Whether it be Hillary Clinton, Tom Delay, Barbara Boxer, or Rick Santorum, presenting the bill for election reform, I would sign the petition. Because it is about ELECTION REFORM, and that is all that matters.

Your statement that I would follow blindly is absurd as i follow NO one blindly no matter where they stand within the political spectrum, or for that matter any lifestyle or business practise.

One who follows blindly truely is mentally blind.
Anonymous said…
Doing ANYTHING Hilary says to do is a blind move. I'd just as well sit this out cause it will come back to bite. Besides, the only people who have a problem with elections is those losing Democrats. I believe YOU missed the point, Al.
Albert Torcaso said…
Your comment is childish and without merit.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, Chuckles, you're childish and have no merit in anything you say. I don't NEED to prove that I'm a "Patriotic American" by doing ANYTHING that wicked witch says. I do not need to prove anything.
Albert Torcaso said…
Yes, Davy, you do need to prove it by deeds not words or is it that you don't care about America?
Anonymous said…
I'm telling you, I don't need to prove anything. Where do you come off trying to challenge people? You're a nobody. It is YOU who don't care about America since everything you say from the Communist Party.
Anonymous said…
Philidelphia voting machines were found to have votes already tabulated before any votes were legally cast. It was discovered and videotaped that members of and America Coming Together were collecting prisoner absentee ballots and taking them to the local board of elections. While some convicts in Pennsylvania are permitted to vote, third party members are not allowed to collect and forward them. and ACT were clearing breaking the law.
In Mercer County the other day it was discovered that 4000 Bush votes somehow got "miss placed" and never tabulated.
The Democtratic Party is the architect of widespread voter fraud for over 75 years. It is time that somebody does some hard time for it. Bush really won Pennsylvania.

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