Stand up for yourself.

A letter I wrote after being treated poorly by a manager of a Popeye's restaurant.

March 9 2005

Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
5555 Glenridge Connector NE
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30342

Dear Mr.President,

In reference to disrespectful manager on duty Feb 26 2005 18:44 PM.

I went to have dinner with my family at the North Versailles, PA restaurant ( suburb of Pittsburgh, PA.

I was to share the cost of the dinner with my sisters. I had a Ten dollar bill my sister had a Ten dollar bill as well. My other sister had three dollars. I went to the counter and asked the employee on duty to give me two fives for a Ten her name was Mamta she said I can’t do that unless you buy something.

I said I am buying something, but I need two fives first to share the cost with my sister. She said she can’t give me the change. I asked her to get her manager and she did. Note: I don’t blame her for this matter only the manager. The manager on duty came over and again I asked for two fives for a Ten, he then repeated that unless I buy something he can’t give me the change.

I stated that I was going to buy the Ten piece deal for Eight ninety nine, but I needed the two fives to give my sister one of the fives. He said well, I can’t give you the change unless you buy something. At this point I said I’m going to buy the dinner, but first I need the two fives. I said if I buy something now then I won’t have enough of money to help my sister and we won’t be able to buy the dinner. At this point the manager crossed the line and for this reason I recommend he be terminated.

He said to me well, you shouldn’t come in here unless you have money. I said I have the money I just need the two fives first. Well, he never gave me the two fives, but my sisters were able to come up with enough money so that we were able to get the dinner for eight ninety nine as well as three drinks. My total bill was fourteen dollars and forty nine cents. Money that Popeyes almost lost as a result of your distasteful and disrespectful manager. I even told him look, I could go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and get a nine piece meal for Nine ninety nine, but I choose Popeye’s.

One reason was because of the extra piece of chicken, but in fact KFC had the better deal as the deal they had given you had nine pieces of chicken and two sides. The deal at Popeyes was Ten pieces for eight ninety nine, but included no sides. I said I’m only staying here because I don’t feel like driving again and I wanted the extra piece of chicken so that we may share it with each other. As a result of this managers actions my sisters, Rose and Diane, said they will never eat at another Popeyes again.

They complained that the food was cold which it was, but I was more concerned about the fact that the restrooms had no warm or hot water which I must point out is a food hazard and could in fact cause people to get very sick. I have noticed that at the North Versailles, restaurant and the Waterfront Drive restaurant in Munhall, PA both have cold water.

This is very dangerous as there have been food poisonings and hepatitis outbreaks in recent months at two well known food chains and people have even died as a result. I implore you to find the cause of these two restaurants not having warm or hot water. This means that the employees can not properly wash their hands and protect themselves or customers from getting sick from bacteria that needs to be washed off by soap and warm to hot water.

I was a loyal Popeye’s customer since the North Versailles, PA and Munhall, PA restaurants opened, but because of this managers actions I currently have no plans to go to another Popeye’s restaurant unless I feel that the Popeye’s corporation cares about their customers and that this manager is suspended or terminated for disrespecting customers. This is not how you should treat any customer let alone a customer who has been loyal to your company and one who has spent a great deal of money over the years at your establishments.

Final notes:

There were no customers except my family. At the time we were eating at your restaurant and only three people came in to take food out. The point? There was not much business and this manager almost lost you 14.49 in revenue.


If your company has a policy that no change can be given out unless an item is purchased then you need to change this policy as it almost kept a customer from purchasing food from your establishment. (If I were not tired that day I would have gone to KFC.)

The customer should be treated with respect at all times. Whatever happened to the customer is always right?

Teach your employees and managers to be wise enough to know when policy should not be enforced to the point of losing business for the company. (Two five dollar bills avoids me having to write you this letter and your company losing my family as customers.)

Find out why you have no hot water in your establishments, this is a health concern and health risk both to customers and employees.

Write me, call me, or e-mail me to let me know what actions were taken and to let me know if my being a long time customers matters to Popeyes corporation.

Thank you for reading my letter and taking action.

Your loyal customer,


Anonymous said…
You make me want to puke, Leberal! They don't need to change their policy because of you. If that policy caused them not to get any business then that's their fault and who are you to try to help them out with your half-assed wisdom? Stop you're crying already! All you had to do was gather up everyone's money, pay for the dinners, and divvy up the change to whomever it belonged to. There was no need to get upset at the manager because of the rules they have. You didn't need your 2 fives first. They didn't want you to get the change and then leave without buying something. I'm sure that has happened once too often to them and so they couldn't make an exception for you. You always get so bent out of shape for the stupidest reasons. And don't give me this cold water/hot water bull again. You're just looking for a free meal.
Anonymous said…
I'm Popeye The Sailorman I'm Popeye the sailor mannnnnn I eat all my Spinach and I fight to the finish. I'm Popeye the sailormannnnnnnnnn !
Albert Torcaso said…
This has nothing to do with politics so quit trying to make that part of any reply. It has to do with service and that is all it has to do with.

Addressing your statements.

I don't want a free meal in fact at this point I don't want any meal there free or paid until they have warm or hot water in their restrooms I have no time to be struck with getting sick do to food poisoning. And with their employees not having access to warm or hot water with soap there is a great risk of food poisoning do to dirty hands. Don't agree with me check with the health deptartment about that you will learn I am correct on this issue.

You claim I could have gotten the money figured out later again you are wrong. To do that would mean I still needed change and that is not going to fix the problem.

Also my sister Diane only had three dollars and would have not been able to buy her own food. sure, they may have a reason for the policy but If it is about to lose you a loyal customer you must use your brains and give the customer what they need to buy your product.

They were getting a Ten for two Fives an even exchange and this being the case show that this manager made the wrong call.

I wrote the letter in a few days, weeks, or months we will see who is proven correct Davy.
Anonymous said…
Stop with the warm water crying, you big baby! (And I mean BIG, too!) You're not going to get food poisoning. The wash rooms are for customers, not employees. Employees have their own handwashing areas. Al, just because they are getting an even exchange for the 10 means nothing. You're not getting the point. They are not a BANK. they do not like to give change all the time in particular for those who might not really buy anything.
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, I must say some of the time I think you have a brain but it is never on!! Use some brains Davy. You say they have their own sink Prove it buster! Have you ever been there? I bet not so in that case It would be best If you made no statements about the matter. And If they let the customers bathroom have cold water Davy, you can bet they would not have warm water for any employees. But I have been to two of them and even employees told me they had cold water Davy, so now what does your non thinking brain have to say?
Anonymous said…
You have no right to tell me that I can not speak my mind. Who the HEEL are you? You are NOBODY. You are simply a whiny little bitch! I'm calling you names because you need to get a job and stop acting like you're the savior of the world. You need to get busy instead of playing stupid video games all night. It's a good thing our ancestors didn't think the way you do or we'd still be in the stone ages.
Anonymous said…
I'm Popeye The Sailorman I'm Popeye the sailor mannnnnn I eat all my Spinach and I fight to the finish. I'm Popeye the sailormannnnnnnnnn !
Snoe Age. Ahhh yes Ally Oop oop Ally oop oop Great song Shiver me timbers
Albert Torcaso said…
Poor little baby Davy, the whiny little bitch! Is mad because he can't accept that some people are brave enough to take on anyone or any company that wrongs them or others. Well, poor whiny little bitch! Davy, I won't quit fighting for fairness and justice and shut the hell up about jobs all the time! It is not your business who has a job or who dosen't! Get your fat little brown nose out of my business and put it up some company man's buns. I'll never stop fighting for fairness and justice and DAVY THAT IS MY NEW JOB!!

Time for you to grow up Brown nosed DAVY!
Albert Torcaso said…
And Davy, don't you go cussing on my blog again! If you want to cuss make you own blog and cuss there but you don't do that no class act here! Yes, I cussed back at you because no one speaks to me that way and believe me this means you Davy.
Anonymous said…
You can't even make up your own insults! That's how un-creative you are!
You don't fight for fairness. You don't even deserve a voice. You don't work for it. That's right, free-loader, go get a job! I'll say it again, get a job. Then maybe you can really say something. Now why would I do anything to some company man's buns when they sign the pay checks!
You're nothing but a whiny freakin' freeloader of society.
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, the brown nosed crap eating fool. I do have a voice and I get results. What results have you got? Nothing. As for jobs I will only work for myself not some company that does not even respect their employees and which would lay you off in the drop of a cup to save a few dollars.

So you worked for twenty two years big deal! What do you have to show for it? I say people need to find ways to own their own business where no one is going to fire them or lay them off. Now Davy, deal with that!!

Working hard is noble but my point is that companies still fire loyal hard workers is that fair Davy? I say if you own you own business you'll get the profits and know that no one is gooing to keep you from earning a living! I hate seeing loyal hard working people lose their jobs because some dumb CEO decides to save more money in theory while they raise their own pay. WHy should people be a slave to a job that holds no protection for them?
Anonymous said…
Results from what?
So when are you going to start working for yourself? All these years you've been living off of what and whom? Are you independently weathy? So, someone working 25 years + is nothing to you? Are you saying I wasted my time when I could have been living like you? What have you got to show for the way you've been living all this time?
Anonymous said…
Results from what?
So when are you going to start working for yourself? All these years you've been living off of what and whom? Are you independently weathy? So, someone working 25 years + is nothing to you? Are you saying I wasted my time when I could have been living like you? What have you got to show for the way you've been living all this time?
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, you don't need to post the same post twice.

I an saying that more Americans need to own their own business why should they have to work for a person who will fire them or they get laid off. I'm saying we need to make jobs for ourselves!
Anonymous said…
It was an accident that the same message posted twice.

I agree with you that we should work for ourselves. I'm trying to get into directing movies for a living just like you are doing the same with acting. The difference is I work a regular job while at the same time I make my movies. I'm making headway, but I still work. You, on the other hand, do not work. Many aspiring actors start out as busboys, but you do nothing. With all the time you had on your hands, by now you should have been a star.
Anonymous said…
If you're so pissed at Popeye's, then why did you sign the letter "Loyal Customer"?

You fool.
Albert Torcaso said…
Because If I signed the letter Former Customer they would not even think about writing back you silly man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
" I'll never stop fighting for fairness and justice and DAVY THAT IS MY NEW JOB!!
" you get paid for that or are you some kind of superhero?
Anonymous said…
You're no hero, Al. You just want to control everyone else into thinking your way only. Just like the Communist you are!

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