What is sexy? What excites you?

So what is sexy to you? What excites you?

What excites me is a woman who has a brain, has a good sense of humor can laugh at dirty jokes even! Let's her mate make love to her in a way that ensures she has a great time every single time. She should be good looking, but If she is cute and has the personality as listed above then body and face does not matter much. I also think real women are sexy those with real bodies be they have a model type body or an average body. The woman who does not get implants just to please a man or for social reasons are the type of women that I feel are the sexiest on earth!

Do I like large breast? Sure if they are real, but I like the woman first, the body second, small or medium are just fine. It's the woman I love not the body. Remember when your mate gets older you need to love her then just as much as you love her today.

Men and women now tell us what you think sexy is? And what excites you?


Anonymous said…
Well blow me down and shiver me timbers I think Olive Oyl is a fine looking woman.
Anonymous said…
Are we talking about real breasts again? Didn't we cover that already? What's your point with all this? Are you just horny?
Albert Torcaso said…
I am jst asking what people consider sexy? Are you to old to answer the question Davy?
Anonymous said…
YOU ARE SEXY (especially with that beard) WOW!!!
Anonymous said…
Okay, Porn King, I'll answer your question.
Butts. Sexy. Round and juicy. Mainly female, if you want to know.
I like you better without the beard. Smooooth.
Albert Torcaso said…
Well I'm glad you at least gave an answer. I'm no porn king but I do believe people should be open minded about sex. Without sex this world would have even more anger and wars. Love and the act of making love gives little time to make war. I would rather see a world of peace and people having sex than to see killing and wars
Anonymous said…
That's a pretty picture you paint, but the world will never be without someone trying to oppress someone else.
Anonymous said…
So you want to watch people having sex ? You like to watch huh? Well blow me down and shiver me timbers.
Anonymous said…
The Porn King loves to watch!
Albert Torcaso said…
I don't want to watch. I don't need to watch anyone doing love making.
Anonymous said…
That's what you say, but you really do watch. You admitted that at Mary's funeral to everyone present.
Anonymous said…
Al, you're just tooo sexy for this blog.
Anonymous said…
So he does like to watch? Well BLOW me down and shiver me timbers.
Albert Torcaso said…
I said I watch movies with sex in it but I don't need to watch them. I would rather be making love than watching some other person doing it.

Porn in and of itself is not rotten It only becomes rotten if the woman or man in the film is there without wanting to be there. And in that case the people forcing them need to get a life sentence.
Anonymous said…
How does one "force" another to have sex? And why should anyone get a life sentence?
Anonymous said…
LOL he likes to watch.....
Blow me down and shiver me timbers I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
Albert Torcaso said…
Some women in porn were forced to be in it by evil men and even kidnapped and raped then forced to be in a porno film. Those men should get a life sentence or WORSE!!
Anonymous said…
What is the purpose of this blog, anyway? It jumps from SEX to Politics, to fine dining at Popeye Fried Chicken. I'm confused. But very curious about this AJ charactor.
Albert Torcaso said…
The point of this blog is to talk about all subjects nothing is off limits and I don't only write about one subject. Today may be about films the next day could be about the cost of milk It is about all topics. Well, Gene, what do you think about that idea for a blog?
Anonymous said…
You say "some" women are forced into doing porno movies. But that doesn't mean "all" of them. The whole thing is so out of your control, why even debate stupid things? All porno isn't run by evil men. I'll bet Disney is run by more evil men that the porno industry is.
Albert Torcaso said…
I never said all pron was evil why don't you wake up bucko!

But some is and for that I think those who do the crime must pay the time!
Anonymous said…
Albert said...

"I never said all pron was evil why don't you wake up bucko!"

What the heck is PRON?

But some is and for that I think those who do the crime must pay the time! Now you sound like Baretta...
Anonymous said…
Fine! So the evil that is done in the porn industry should be punished. Great. You can't do anything about it, so why are you crying? You can't do anything about mainstream Hollywood injustices either. I'm sure there's tons of Hollywood producers who get young actors their first chance after a good dick sucking session, so why don't you attack them rather than the porn people who all know what they got to do to make a buck?
You make the stupidest points.
Anonymous said…
" I'm sure there's tons of Hollywood producers who get young actors their first chance after a good dick sucking session"
Now there's how Albert can get into movies.
Albert Torcaso said…
I'll never do that because I'm not gay ( Not picking on gay people I like all people.) And I would never disrespect myself or drop my morals for anyone or any reason.

All eveil should be dealth with including those in Hollywood who harm actors or anyone trying to get their break.
Albert Torcaso said…
I meant all evil should be dealth with.
Anonymous said…
If you won't drop your morals, will you at least drop your pants?
Let us pray.
Albert Torcaso said…
No! My pants stay on unless I'm with a woman I love.

I'm not pimping myself out to get a acting job I'll get the jobs from skill not sluting myself out.
Anonymous said…
"( Not picking on gay people I like all people.) " So you sre gay?
Anonymous said…
I'm very curious about this AJ charactor.
Anonymous said…
Al might be curious, too. We just have to get him out of the closet.
Albert Torcaso said…
Al is not gay nor am I bi I love women and that is the way it is I will not be someone I'm not.

I like all people gay non gay but I myself am not gay so get that thought out of your head.
Albert Torcaso said…
Al is not gay nor am I bi I love women and that is the way it is I will not be someone I'm not.

I like all people gay non gay but I myself am not gay so get that thought out of your head.
Albert Torcaso said…
Oops I posted the same thing twice.

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