Will we lose the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?

Will we lose Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? Not if every American tells their Senators and Representatives that we won't stand for them killing off the wildlife just to help out special interest.

It is time all Americans act by calling, e-mailing, faxing and snail mailing them and demanding they don't drill in the Arctic.

Help save the wildlife sign this right now.
Follow THIS LINK!!!



Anonymous said…
Don't you dare say anything about the war and oil if you will not allow drilling for oil somewhere else. I say, go ahead and drill!!!!
Anonymous said…
Drill on the Bush Ranch.
Albert Torcaso said…
We don't need a war nor do we need to drill in the Arctic what we need pal is a real plan to reduce the need for oil! Like Car that use some gasoline and a second source of fuel. Like electric. Get with the program and grow up.

Drilling on his ranch would at least make him see the destruction it would cause.
Anonymous said…
Well blow me down and shiver me timbers. What happened to your article on sex you big pervert?
Anonymous said…
First, the War is not exactly about oil. It's about freedom and liberation. Something you don't give a ship about.
I see nothing wrong with drilling on Bush's ranch. Is there oil there?
Reducing the need for oil is a good idea, unfortunately, the Democtrats make everything difficult cause they're always crying about hurting something or other.
In the meantime drill in the Antartic and be done with it. God gave us this world to USE not to save.
Albert Torcaso said…
No drilling in the Arctic not now not ever. The reason we went in had nothing to do with freedom who are you kidding? I love freedom and their being free is great but it is only a by-product of the war not the reason for the war and don't kid yourself millions of Iraqis are not of the view that they are free.

Keep in mind many still have no runnig water or electric a product of the war. Do you think they are happy with us? No way this is why we still have to fight so many of them. Is It freedom when you are suffering more now than before? Before the war they had water and electric power.
Anonymous said…
I hope so!!! Maybe we can get some decent gas prices then.
Anonymous said…
Don't you kid yourself! Millions of Iraqis are indeed happy that they are finally FREE! Free from Saddam's TORTURE and RAPE rooms. Their kids were TAKEN by Saddam's sons, Goofy and Loopy, to be FED to their HUNGRY DOGS! I guess having electricity and water along with Sadam's PERKS are better than FREEDOM? Are they really SUFFERING more now than before? Being BOILED in OIL was like going to Kennywood when Saddam was in power. Hell! The Iraqi people probably miss that!
Albert Torcaso said…
This point is that you paint a picture where everyone in Iraq is thanking America and saying we are great and we all know that is not the case. Why pretend that it's great when every day we are losing American lives over there? Face it we need to start bring our people home!
Chuck said…
The only sure fire way to reduce our dependency on foreign oil is to use it all up.
Albert Torcaso said…
That is true but then we would harm the earth and wildlife. Plus the world goverments are not working on newer fuels which would mean we would not have any fuel.

Anonymous said…
The point is that you paint a picture where everyone in Iraq is saying they don't want our help and THAT is not true. So there! We're losing lives over there because it's called a war. W.A.R. War! That's what happens in war. You loose lives. And we're winning it.
We need to use oil. You're idiotic concern for wildlife is asinine.
Don't expect world governments to address new means for energy cause they're not swift enough. Capitalism and individual know-how is the only way to accomplish a new kind of energy.
Anonymous said…
Well Blow me down and shiver me timbers.
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, you make comments that make not sense at all.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Al, you always make comments that make no sense whatsoever.
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, you do that. I make the comments that explain things you just write to complain.
Anonymous said…
You don't explain anything but your own nonsense.
Anonymous said…
And, might I add, your nonsense is unexplainable.
Albert Torcaso said…
Davy, start drilling for oil in your brain as we all know that you don't use it anyway so why waste it? At least we could have enough oil to cook a egg with it.
Anonymous said…
I thought this wasn't about eggs.
Anonymous said…
Hi! I'm Jack McBlowhole.
Albert Torcaso said…
Hi,Jack, do you like the blog?
Anonymous said…
your nonsense is unexplainable

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