Members only. You can be a member.

Well, I'm sure by now you have seen I changed my blog to a members only blog. Yes it has some drawbacks but none the less it will help reduce if not get rid of most of the rude and racist fools who visit here.

Will it reduce the traffic here? I'm sure it will but, I'm not letting people kill the purpose of my blog which ia to speak out on all issues and have feedback. You know all any of you need do to give feedback is become a team member of my blog I invite all of you to e-mail me and to join my team.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. Humanity does matter!

Please watch Humanity Matters Monday's at eight pm on PCTV21 In Pittsburgh PA.


hope and love said…
you have done the right thing AJ.
Albert Torcaso said…
Thanks Hope and Love.

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