Educate and Eliminate the burden.

In another post someone gave comment and I will show it here. You will also see my response to this person. In response to my statement about Pittsburgh Public Schools not educating the children.

Ralph Rooster said...
Name one besides you.

Well, to even make that statement shows how strange being online can be and the strange people you encounter.

How could anyone make such a statement and not be aware of the fact that many public school children never learn enough about English, Math, History and the Sciences that one must know in order to be accepted into college.

As for other students that I know of who have gone to PPS and have not had a good education I know of at least twenty, but I would never bring out their names and it is not for you to know who they may be. I must keep that private I don't try to harm anyone nor do I seek to cause embarrassment to anyone and as such I do not name names.

If you need proof just do the research and you will find more than enough proof that my statements are correct.

As for funding for education do you not yet see that an educated America is an employed America? Do you not see that a career helps more than the person that has it? Can't you understand that by educating our people we would become a stronger nation and that maybe once again it could be America that leads the world in new technologies. Maybe we will be the nation that finds a way to have cars and trucks run on a fuel that needs no oil and then we are not stuck with high oil prices. Maybe our nation will find a cure to cancer and many other amazing products and discoveries that could benefit humankind. Keep in mind that most people in this nation can learn, but many do not get that chance and this is a disgrace to this nation and to humanity.

Sure, many college students work at the mall or a snack joint and I am proud of them, but many others can not afford college even with that job if our nation wants to remain a great nation we must educate our populace.

Note: Ireland has a program in place that gives free college to their citizens and Ireland is now becoming one of the most productive nations in Europe.

Canada has a program where if you choose to go to a state run college it is free and Canada is also a thriving nation.

This is further proof that when a nation educates it's populace it is a successful nation.

One final note: Many American companies outsource to India, Canada, and China all nations that educate their populace!

By the way if you have more people working your taxes get cut.

Albert Torcaso, host of Humanity Matters airing on PCTV21 in Pittsburgh.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. Humanity does matter!

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