I'm so sorry, but it's true.
I state for the record the following statements are true and I can't help it if some people can't handle that.
1, The woman at AAA did see my show and asked for an autograph.
2, I was told by a fire Captain to wear my seat belt, he did see my PSA.
3, While in a local Wendy's on the North Side of Pittsburgh, PA a man came up and said I saw you on PCTV21 in three shows! He had seen The Atomic Melting Vampire, Nora's show, and my first Humanity Matters show.
4, As of now I have Produced five shows at PCTV21, four Humanity Matters shows and one show called What The Heck with Greg T. Nora co- produced it.
5, I am in a new movie with Ned and a new demo with Alan.
6, I will be doing a new show next week number 5 of Humanity Matters.
Why bring all this up again? One reason because I don't like being called a liar. Is it patting myself on the back? Maybe a bit, but first this is my blog. Second. I have been working very hard as of late and I feel I should be able to enjoy what I have been able to get done.
Note: As for the statements I have made above I have a witness for every event I have spoken about and none of what I said were lies. I hope people finally learn how to deal with the fact that I am starting to be more successful. Sure, I know I'm not making any money off of my art yet, but it is only a matter of time.
Now, back to the matters of importance.
If you do not stay on topic or you insult anyone you will be deleted at once!!
Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. Humanity does matter!