C1 Al's True Life A Real Reality And No Second Takes!

Get ready because here comes Al's True Life Stories! Soon the Second Season of Cloning Albert will debut, for now hold on to your emotions as your about to feel the true life experiences of Albert Torcaso the sad, the happy, the smooth and the tough! All aspects of me and why watch it? It's a story that is bond to keep your attention!

This is a heart wrenching, gut checking, real reality series that will tell you much of the trying and hard times I have had. You should watch as ultimately I overcame many obstacles and still believe in love, life, hope and humanity, but be sure to understand that this is not the type of story that is prettied up for the networks. This is a real as one can get and it is light-hearted at times, funny, inspirational, teary eyed and shocking to all who will learn the truth such as I witnessed the death of my biological father at age twelve years old (12).

This starts off the series and you may ask why watch it? Simple, answer if you can overcome what I have and still keep going you can overcome almost anything.

We know how fast time can move and we can't stop that, but we can capture that second. Consider this offer and the free shipping as well and remember, if you get a great deal that's a win for you and it could also help me survive.


The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso 

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. 
Albert Torcaso

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