How does this help the children?

Would someone anyone explain to me and the rest of the world how does this help the children learn? If this is help I would rather see them not attempt to help at all. This is hurting our nations future and anyone who does not see that is clearly not being realistic.

The world is much more competitive now and we must teach our children more not less.

Click this link to see what I am talking about.

For the 2005-2006 school year, spending under the Department of Education's Title I program, which helps low-achieving children in high-poverty areas, is increasing by 3.2 percent, to $12.6 billion.

But because of population shifts, growing numbers of poor children, newer census data and complex formulas that determine how the money is divided, more than two-thirds of the districts, or 8,843, will not receive as much financing as before.

I had a great Fourth of July did all of you have a good day?

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. Humanity does matter!


Anonymous said…
Well, if the parents would get off welfare and work to pay their fare share of taxes instead of sucking off the government maybe there'd be more money for schools. Work instead of sucking.
Albert Torcaso said…
That is a stupid statement.
Anonymous said…
Well, you're entire post is a stupid statement, Al dear. A whole lot of money has been dumped into the so called fight on poverty and what did it do? Made people lazy and dependent on their welfare checks. In the meantime they sell drugs and break into the homes of hard working Americans who pay for everything including schools and education. Yeah, sister, I make stupid statements.
Albert Torcaso said…
I'm no a woman. Are you drunk?

Your statement is stupid and a joke. First if they taught every student the same thing then this nation would have millions more people going to college and then finding meaningful careers. A career gives people a reason to work toward a common mission. A job is not a career and as such it does not inspire loyalty nor does it make you feel as part of a whole. A team member working on a common mission. As for welfare most people would choose not to be on it but without the education they don't find careers and get laid off of jobs.

You need to wake up to reality pal.

Hard work without loyalty to the workers means your working for nothing except a check.
Anonymous said…
That is an opinion! Just because you do not agree with it AJ, does not mean it is a stupid statement.
Anonymous said…
What John F. just said is exactly the point I've been trying to explain to you for a long time, Al. You say something that is usually idiotic and then I try to explain another view, and what do you do? Youtell me I don't know anything as if you are the only one who has absolute wisdom. That's why you get yourself in hot water all the time, Cutie-pie!
What do you mean by "if they taught every student the same thing"? It's up to he individual to decide on their career choice. It has nothing to do with what they're taught in school. People usually start out by going into the workforce via a JOB, dimwit. Even McDonald's is a great education. While you're flipping burgers, you need to learn the mechanics of how the place operates and you're gaining yourself an education in business. In the meantime, you go to college to learn more. Then you network and find better jobs to go along with your aquired experience and education. You need a reality check, pal.
Anonymous said…
Very nicely put, Anonymous.

I think Al understands, but I think he gets some sort of satisfaction from putting down contrary views. Perhaps it makes him feel sort of paternal I guess.

Still, I think he really does mean well deep within.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I do know he means well, but he doesn't seem to want to understand when he's wrong.
Albert Torcaso said…
I understand just fine but it is you who need that reality check pal. Yes, a job at a snack joint has some good points but many people can never afford to get to college even if they work. Another point you clearly don't understand is this if one is not taught well in school starting at age five to the time you leave high school then you won't be able to go to college. Why? Because you won't have the knowledge that you need to be able be accepted into college. It all goes back to having good education from the second you go to school.

It is you who don't understand that in order to get from point A to ponits B - Z you must have the tools to get there and the fact remains we don't all have good schools I think it's time you wake up and deal with the truth.
Anonymous said…
reality check pal. Yes, a job at a snack joint is great. Free food and you get paid. You might even get laid. Pittsburgh schools are among the best in the nation. Many famous people got their education in Pittsburgh schools and working in fast food places there.
Albert Torcaso said…
Pittsburgh Public schools are not the best and in fact leave many people without the skills needed in life.
Anonymous said…
Name one besides you.
Anonymous said…
Albert Torcaso said…
Well, to even make that statement shows how strange being online can be and the strange people you encounter.

How could anyone make such a statement and not be aware of the fact that many public school children never learn enough about English, Math, History and the Sciences that one must know in order to be accepted into college.

As for other students that I know of who have gone to PPS and have not had a good education I know of at least twenty, but I would never bring out their names and it is not for you to know who they may be. I must keep that private I don't try to harm anyone nor do I seek to cause embarrassment to anyone and as such I do not name names.

If you need proof just do the research and you will find more than enough proof that my statements are correct.

As for funding for education do you not yet see that an educated America is an employed America? Do you not see that a career helps more than the person that has it? Can't you understand that by educating our people we would become a stronger nation and that maybe once again it could be America that leads the world in new technologies. Maybe we will be the nation that finds a way to have cars and trucks run on a fuel that needs no oil and then we are not stuck with high oil prices. Maybe our nation will find a cure to cancer and many other amazing products and discoveries that could benefit humankind. Keep in mind that most people in this nation can learn, but many do not get that chance and this is a disgrace to this nation and to humanity.

Sure, many college students work at the mall or a snack joint and I am proud of them, but many others can not afford college even with that job if our nation wants to remain a great nation we must educate our populace.

Albert Torcaso, host of Humanity Matters airing on PCTV21 in Pittsburgh.
Anonymous said…
Al, just cause YOU couldn't hack it in the public school system, doesn't mean everyone one else can't.
Albert Torcaso said…
Get this into your brain. Those schools are not good because they don't have the needed tools to do the job and many teachers there don't do a good job or even care.

There are good teachers there but many of them leave for schools that supply the tools to teach the children.
Anonymous said…
And your point is? The schools may be in need of better teachers and tools, okay. Then instead of stealing more money from the poor taxpayers to go into schools that are corrupt (Ask Cassandra about this; she'll tell you!)why don't we just get rid of public schools altogether and just have private run schools? Just like we don't need no stinkin' public TV anymore; get rid of it. We have plenty of channels of useless garbage on cable already. We don't need to waste money on Public TV or public schools. They are all corrupt. Obviously if the good teachers are going to better schools then that must mean that they are private schools.
Albert Torcaso said…
Private schools could work if every child had a chance to attend them. However, we must make public schools better and bring in better teachers and provide the tools to teach the children.
Anonymous said…
" Albert said...
Private schools could work if every child had a chance to attend them."
Then they would be PUBLIC schools ! LOLOL
Anonymous said…
Al, tell me how you make public schools better when you have so much corruption JUST BECAUSE the government has its greedy little hands in them? Give them more money so they can squander that too?

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