In less than an hour.

Well, I'm leaving the house again. I'm going to film in Ned, Adam and Scott's film again.

I also have five Humanity Matters shows done for my series which is a six month series which means one more show and I'm done. But I plan on doing many more seasons of Humanity Matters and someday I hope to have it show worldwide.

If I can get my show seen around this great world of ours maybe someday many of you can be guest on my show.

I would like
Hope and Love,
Mountain Man,
Joe B.
Ned, Nate and Adam just to name a few so wish me luck gang.

Update: We filmed a scene tonight a very hard scene to film because of the way the camera needed to show the scene. Ned and the crew all did good work I thought we did a good job.

Everyone worked hard and it showed that we can overcome any problems that arise.

I see no one comes here that much anymore but I'll still post as I want to matain my blog.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. Humanity does matter!


Don't stop your blog or the
Liberal Democrats
will be after you!
Albert Torcaso said…
I'll never stop but not because anyone or any party it's because I like having my freedom. Having my say on issues.
Albert Torcaso said…
Thanks for your comments. I'll be visiting your blog very soon.
hope and love said…
txs AJ, :-))
so swt of you..
im flattered..
really i keep wondering how you are able to do so much.. how do you get time for all this..?
For pet lobsters try
Anonymous said…
This is not the anonymouses from above. This is the more sensible one. I just had to answer Hope and Love's question "how do you get time for all of this?" I won't be rude like those other guys so try not to take this in that way. Al finds time to do all that he does cause he doesn't work at all.
Anonymous said…
AJ don't let them get you down! So what is this current movie all about and who do you play in it?
Anonymous said…
Why is this on your blog?
Not all Gay Men are Liberal Check out this new Blog

Patriot Act & Republicans
Conservatives speak out on security and personal rights. Learn more.
Albert Torcaso said…
Ay present Hope and Love, I don't have employment, but I am trying to start a business and will have a site up very soon. As for why I don't have that so called job they always speak about It's very simple. I can't get the type of job I would need to succeed at the job or career I choose must allow me to be free to move around and sit or stand up when needed.

I have a great deal of pain and one other problem so 9-5 won't work for me at this time. Acting is great because you have many breaks in the film business.

I play a husband in my latest film and we are dealing with a crazy funeral director who seems to have an addiction to women. I play Mr. Testawack.
Anonymous said…
My son you have deleted many comments tonight. I am quite proud of you. You are growing up to be a fine Nazi.
hope and love said…
AJ as long as you enjoy what you do and you are not hurting anybody you r free to do the job you like.. dont bother abt other peoples comments..
hope and love said…
AJ, plz visit there is a picture of a tsunami girl there..
yesbob said…
Thanks for that bit of info on the tsunami victim. I'll pass it back down the chain.
I'm stay in Delaware.
Good luck with the show, I wish it the best.
And, I agree with Hope&Love -
One shouldn't take comments too seriously, especially negative ones.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
confession: the only reason i come here is to read the comments.
Albert Torcaso said…
Thanks YesBob, I agree one must not get so angry about comments after all there is so many problems on this planet that comments seem to be the least painful of them all. I feel bad for the many people around this planet that have nothing not even a home. I am lucky indeed I have a home, car, and legs to walk many blessings indeed and for that I am thankful.
Anonymous said…
Now, Al, stop with the "pity me" routine, will you? This is your "favorite" anonymous speaking. So you're in a great deal of pain? Oh, pleeeease! You could find some kind of job if you wanted to. There are lots of people with "problems" who have jobs thanks to the great liberal effort (and I'm not making fun of what they did to help, like I usually would). How come you're not a part of that movement, Al? Oh, I forgot; you want to start at the top making oodles of money!
Never mind!
Anonymous said…
penis! heh-heh... He said penis...
Anonymous said…
That wasn't me, Al.
Anonymous said…
Yes it was.
Anonymous said…
It was the Anonymous who said "Yes it was" cause he's the dirty bastard who likes penises.
Anonymous said…

This is God watching you. I can see that you are healthy and instead you choose to stay at home and live off the system. Al don't try to deny it. I have seen you running from people chasing you with perfume,and I have met you working at a Haunted House in Pittsburgh chasing (yes Chasing) people..If you can do that Al then you can work again. If they hired you someone else will as well. But No Al you decide to try and use your disability to live off of the system. The same system that you are constantly bitching about!!Until you are no longer a part of that system you cannot complain because it is TAXPAYERS that are paying for your free ride AL and GOD IS NOT HAPPY!!!
Albert Torcaso said…
The person who made those last comments is on WELFARE! Talk about a two faced person.
Anonymous said…
So anyone who doesn't like the fact that AL is on welfare is on welfare themselves? Okay!!Don't think so...Alot of people in Pittsburgh saw Al working at that ship haunted house thingy..I recognize his face myself! So yes folks he can really work and yes folks he was running (RUNNING) chasing people on the ship and NO folks I'm not on welfare. For being disabled Al sure can move and he should be investigated!!
Albert Torcaso said…
Your not God and you are on welfare. I am not on wellfare you. Once again you prove yourself to be wrong.
Albert Torcaso said…
You just can't stand that it's happening.
Anonymous said…
What's happening bro ?
Albert Torcaso said…
Success is happening.
Anonymous said…
Getting paid a penny for a movie role is successful?
Anonymous said…
keep on truckin' AJ keep on truckin! ur blogs are fun to read and you are a good person. just thought i;d say hi
Albert Torcaso said…
Thank you J Rocks, sorry I took so long my days and night are very busy now.Tuesday was so busy I can't even explain it yet.

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