I am a good actor.

Soon all will know that I am indeed a good actor and when this happens It will be me having the last laugh. Have you ever thought that maybe I never gave my all to some of my films? Or maybe I got bored being in the same type of films? Where is the challenge? I happen to think I did a good job in Meat For Satan's Icebox even though I would rather be doing a dramatic film. Soon you will learn that indeed I can act, but that I have not had the challenges that one needs to rise to the occasion. And when you see the truth will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?

Please stick to the issue of the post and not comment on other topics. If you wish to give comment on a topic please visit that post and give comment on that topic in the post which speaks out about that topic.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.


Grizzly Adam said…
you know, al, you should really try your best in ALL your roles. whether you like them, or they're what you want, you should give 110% in all you do. to say that you didn't do your best because you weren't challenged is acceptable, but it gets to the ridiculous point. it gets to the point where people are watching and waiting, but they don't see anything because you say you didn't have the right part. i saw your demo reel, and i have to say that i thought your performance in "meat..." was quite funny. funny enough to make me want to watch the whole thing! however, you MUST step out from behind the veil of "not challenging enough to show my real talent." great actors will be great, no matter what role they play. look at dinero--no matter what role he plays, he's absolutely great. if he were to have a cameo as a hot dog vendor on law and order, he'd be the best hot dog vendor that you ever saw. please, don't limit yourself based on whether or not you think that the parts you take are below good acting quality. it really only hurts yourself. for example, you could be the best actor in "meat..." and people looking at it would say, "boy, this is a crappy movie, but that al was great in it." likewise, i don't want people to see our film and say, "this was a funny film, but al wasn't great in it. he said it wasn't a challenging enough role for him." so, i'm not saying that you are or are not a good actor. i'm saying that you can't just say, "i'm not going to give it my all because this isn't an important role." you'll never get a truly important role unless you treat EVERY role as important.
Anonymous said…
You know, I've been telling Al what you just said for 10 years now and he could never grasp the notion of making every part the best he's ever done. I always told him that even if he thinks the movie and the director sucks, he should make HIS part shine beyond the crappy movie. That's what separates the good actors from the cattle.
Anonymous said…
al, you can't act. the end.
Anonymous said…
Al, tell me something. You say you can do dramatics. What kind of role would you feel you can do?
Anonymous said…

you cant act.

the real,

real end.
Anonymous said…
AJ how many times have both myself and Bix tried to get through to you that if you don't do your best because you don't like the part it only hurts you? Like we said some famous Producer/Director sees you not acting your best they're going to say that dork can't act worth shit DO NOT hire him! Thus you've already destroyed your chances.
Anonymous said…
Exactly! An actor should "steal away" the movie and make the part his own.
hope and love said…
AJ you should give your best .. always..
Albert Torcaso said…
It is true you should always do your best, but it is also true that it is hard to do your best when in effect you are doing an endless repeat of the same thing. Yes, I strive to do my best on each role, but I also feel like I'm eating the same food everyday. Last night I worked hard to do everything they needed for the film. I like Ned, Rik, Adam, Scott, Jill and the gang. But, still I just don't feel like I gave 110%. I'd say I gave 99% and fought through the pain in my back, but I want to give 150% not 99% not 100%, 110%, 150%. I want to knock them out and make people be so caught up in the role Im portraying that they see me on the street and think I'm the character I played and not Albert Torcaso. I'm just not at 150%, but I will be very soon.

Ned, you did a good job and I'll work even harder on Friday/Saturday niights shoot. I know that if I phone it in it's also unfair to my fellow actors, but I am being honest sometimes it's very hard to get through a role that feels like i'm eating that same slice of pizza. In truth, however, I always come through and do very well so by the end I have given at least a 120% performance.
Anonymous said…
You didn't answer my question, Al.
What would you like to do that is not the same slice of pizza. Don't just say an dramatic role. My question is, what is the role you would like to play? Is it a certain historical person you feel you were destined to portray? Or a certain type of character you feel you can bring out of yourself?
Anonymous said…
What's with this new Pop up window? BlogSpot just had to copy off of Blog Drive now didn't they? LOL
Anonymous said…
Yes they did.
Grizzly Adam said…
yes, i agree with roman, al. what would you like to do? you've already done sherman in "winds..." and i saw your bit on your demo reel from "on the waterfront." i'll be honest with you al, i wasn't particularly taken with that bit. it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and boring for a demo reel. there were far too many pauses that just made you sit there in boredom waiting for another line. some of the lines themselves weren't very thrilling, either. however, i'd like to see your general sherman, if you have a copy. anyhow, al, remember: the part you are playing in our piece isn't really a "standout" role. it's not a huge role, and it's not a great role, but it's an essential role. we NEED you to be believable, al. we NEED you to give us more. i understand where you're coming from, al, but, please, don't give us the "same food" bit here. some people play one role their whole lives. look at clint eastwood. he's great in everything he does. that's beacuse he can only do one role. you can act in a campy sort of way. certainly, try to find your dramatic roles, but don't constantly hide behind "i want more" and do a mediocre job with the roles you're already given. if that keep up, then you'll soon find yourself without ANY roles because people don't want to work with snide actors who think that they're above a role. enjoy what you have while waiting for more, al.
Anonymous said…
"I am a good actor."

Let us see you put your "all" into acting and you will be a good actor. Quit blaming the role or the movie for the frail acting, and seize the moment on the screem and conquer it. Find a new way to make an old scene fresh.
Anonymous said…
What Al would like to do is become an actor when he grows up! Hopefully that will happen one of these days...It'd great to have fantasies but when you try to make them a reality by claiming people are asking for autographs from your cable access show a blog like this is the result! Cassandra wants to talk to you about your penis Al.
Albert Torcaso said…
Adam, the five minute version of Waterfront is what I use for a demo I gave Ned the long version just for him to see the whole scene.

I'd like to play a role such as in the film Saving Private Ryan or something that has meaning. Sure, I know you have to get into the role but, it is true that you do get bored. I did much better Friday/Saturday Adam, don't yo agree?

Most people who have seen Waterfront thought I was believable in it. I agree the long version even bores me.

Let the gang here know.
Albert Torcaso said…
Adam,and Ned, let's phone in an audio blog from the set on Wednesday.

It will be a hoot!
Anonymous said…
News freaking flash: there is no such thing as 110%!
Grizzly Adam said…
actually, there IS 110% when we're talking about profit/loss/growth/etc. grow up. and, al, i have to say that, yes, you WERE much better on friday. you gave a pretty good performance out there. so, we'll see how things go on wednesday, eh?
Grizzly Adam said…
al, i have to be honest with you: i have little intention of doing a phone-in post. however, i'll think about it. it could be fun, but maybe not.... haha
Anonymous said…
There is only 100 %. Youi grow up.
Grizzly Adam said…
anonymous, i know who you are. you will never grow UP. you're done. perhaps grow OUT, though.... hehehe
Anonymous said…
Fuck you Torcaso! You cannot act, you will never be able to act. Nobody wants to see you, nobody wants to hear you! You are a freak and a loser!
Anonymous said…
Yes I am. I see it all now.
Anonymous said…
al, you should give your best.. even in bed.. you know that miss nora and i love it when you make lust to us. next time, i'd like to watch you screw miss nora in the bum while i shove a broom handle up my patoot.. give me your best, al.. always.. i've never french kissed a man who looked more like a retarded version of buntz (from nypd blue) than do you. i can't wait to put my crotch on your face again and slap you around a bit while wearing clothes in the shower. you are a good actor always, al, especially when you play that little french maid with a butt plug. eat poop.
Anonymous said…
penis munch