I listened to Don from Neal's.

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Hey, Don, eat your heart out pal! Nobody tells me what I can do nobody!!


Anonymous said…
Well now it's out in the open for all to hear! Lord Almighty you sound even worse here than you do at that bar and I sure wouldn't of thought that was possible. Only goes to show. So now that cat's out of the dang bag. You hear what we have to put up with at Neal's everybody? You know what the saddest part of it all is Torcaso? The saddest part is that you honestly don't seem to comprehend how awful you sound. Well take it from me punk, listening to you is like having sharp pieces of broken glass hammered into my ear drums, and I'm half deaf as it is! Let me tell you, when you started your damn caterwalling that is the first time in my life I ever was grateful to have a hearing loss. Now you listen to me Torcaso and you listen good. Neal's is a nice family place. We don't need you and your kind there, we don't want you and your kind there and dad blast it to Hades we aren't going to put up with you and your kind there! Now that everyone has had a chance to hear your bloody racket they understand why I am saying this. Now you stay away from Neal's or so help me to Pete I will start a petition!
Albert Torcaso said…
I'll see you soon Don, next week sound good to you?