Bring back the love and kill the Hate!

It is time for my blogging friends to decide to bring back the love to A.J. Speaks Out. We can not let those who would do everything they could to destroy this blog of love, honor, respect, and engaging discorse on all issues. I'm sure many, if not most of you, have seen that every single post as of late has been trashed by people insulting me and even claiming an innocent man was guilty of an unspeakable crime.

This man did nothing wrong. How can I say this? Because I checked it out in PA'S Court system, Probation records, and other sources of Pennsylvania's Crime Codes.

Let us bring back the love and kill the Hate.

BELOW IS A MESSAGE ADDRESSED TO THE MAN WHO IS CAUSING ALL THE HATE AT MY BLOG!! If others want to read it that's fine and just to let all of you know I'm not yelling at you. I just needed to let you see that the message below is meant for the individual who is cyberstalking and harrassing me and disrupting this blog.

Now, I will warn the man who has been attacking me and my blog. I know who is doing this and you have better stop or I will find you and get the feds on your case for real, buddy. In addition I will contact local and state law enforcement to track you down and charge you with felony Cyber stalking and harrassment.

You should know that last week I was in court helping my sister's boyfriend in a case where his money was stolen. Well, he almost lost the case until I spoke to the Assistant District Attorney and Danny won the case. As a result that's 15 - 0 in court cases and to think I've never even been to law school! 15-0 so If this person does not cease and desist I shall bring the full extent of the local, state, and federal law enforcement on you. And I will fill them in on all of your past! If you don't stop attacking me, my friends, and my blog.

Don't tempt me because you will find that I don't play around when it comes to my safety, business, or harrassment. This is your final warning and If you don't stop you'll find I'm one mean SOB in the court of law.

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