When will we eliminate these killers?

Well, we had a lighthearted post. Now, for the very heavy one.

When will we eliminate these two killers? Cancer and heart disease are two of the leading killers of people around the world. Is it not time we stop these killers from taking more lives?

How do we do it? I'm no doctor therefore, I don't know, but what I do know is if the entire medical world including eastern and western medicine would come together to battle these killers. I believe we could beat these diseases once and for all.

Let me make it clear. I'm not saying every research scientist on earth work on it. I'm saying some scientist from each country on earth work on it. And we need billions of dollars more for research. How do we get it?

Governments, public, and private funding the world over then we can finally beat these killers or at least stop them from killing so many people on our planet.

Do you realize that almost all of us will die from one or two of these illnesses or all of us will know people who have died from one of them. Is it not time that we put the money out that is needed to save lives? The life you save may be your own or a family member or friend.

I say If the governments of the world can spend billions or even trillions of dollars to fight wars and kill people then they can spend billions or trillions of dollars to heal people!!

For those who will ask where will this money come from and say do you expect to raise my taxes again? I say to you we don't need to raise taxes all we need to do is change the way our governments spend our money and demand that they start using it on research to end these killers and others such as Aids, and Alzheimer's.

Let us act to save lives.

Now, please post all comments, but don't make silly comments this time.

(Special request. Please don't make any silly remarks or sexual comments on this post it is too serious a post to be made fun of.)

Brian, still think it's irrelevant?

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

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