I am tough. That is a fact! Part 3.
11,Still later in 1976 I was taken away from my mother. They claimed she was an unfit mother. Unfit? How many mothers walk miles a day year round even when hurt ( once she fell and broke her arm she waited till after picking me up from school to go to the hospital.) just to protect her son from being beaten up? In truth since they did not know how to stop the kids from beating me up they got rid of me instead of the problem AND AS A RESULT OF THEIR ACTIONS I HATE PITTSBURGH PUBLIC SCHOOLS SYSTEM! THEY CAUSED MORE TRAUMA TO A BOY WHO EARLIER THAT YEAR WATCHED HIS OWN DAD DIE IN FRONT OF HIS OWN EYES! PITTSBURGH PUBLIC SCHOOLS, I HATE YOU!!! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
12, They took me to a children's home, they would not allow me to call or write to my mother for six weeks! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
13, When I got to the home I was beaten by sixteen kids who were in my cottage, all attacked me at once! I was punched and kicked everywhere even in the most private parts on ones body.
BUT, FOR THAT I WAS HAPPY! Why? Because I survived it and found out that I could fight back! And I found a new freedom that allowed me to fight back and never take abuse again as far as being beaten was concerned. In fact, during this beating I kicked and punched them back. One, I kicked in the mouth and broke his jaw. One got it in the bad place (private part) three ended up in the campus hospital for 1 day to two weeks. Just like in the film the Coward of The County with Kenny Rodgers.
I wasn't holding nothing back. I let them have it all and some of them paid a high cost for attacking me. But, in many ways their attack set me free and all of them became my friends. Plus, I did get each one back. I admit I had vengeance on my mind and one got shampoo in his mouth then he wanted to fight me. " I said if you want to fight that's fine, but two things. One, remember what happened when it was 16-1? And second. You deserved it for what all of you did to me. Minutes later he comes close to me. I put up my fist and he said relax, I just want to shake your hand and say I'm sorry for attacking you. Yes, I am tough because I survived.
14, Once I left that home I came home to my mother, but I soon got sick of school again In Pittsburgh this time it was because I had learned so much in Scranton School System and yet My Pittsburgh, PA school would not take their credits and moved me three grades down! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
15, In 1979 once again I was sent to a home related to Pittsburgh Public Schools not treating me right and getting rid of the problem. I hate PPS!! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.
Older post can be seen by the month I wrote them in.
12, They took me to a children's home, they would not allow me to call or write to my mother for six weeks! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
13, When I got to the home I was beaten by sixteen kids who were in my cottage, all attacked me at once! I was punched and kicked everywhere even in the most private parts on ones body.
BUT, FOR THAT I WAS HAPPY! Why? Because I survived it and found out that I could fight back! And I found a new freedom that allowed me to fight back and never take abuse again as far as being beaten was concerned. In fact, during this beating I kicked and punched them back. One, I kicked in the mouth and broke his jaw. One got it in the bad place (private part) three ended up in the campus hospital for 1 day to two weeks. Just like in the film the Coward of The County with Kenny Rodgers.
I wasn't holding nothing back. I let them have it all and some of them paid a high cost for attacking me. But, in many ways their attack set me free and all of them became my friends. Plus, I did get each one back. I admit I had vengeance on my mind and one got shampoo in his mouth then he wanted to fight me. " I said if you want to fight that's fine, but two things. One, remember what happened when it was 16-1? And second. You deserved it for what all of you did to me. Minutes later he comes close to me. I put up my fist and he said relax, I just want to shake your hand and say I'm sorry for attacking you. Yes, I am tough because I survived.
14, Once I left that home I came home to my mother, but I soon got sick of school again In Pittsburgh this time it was because I had learned so much in Scranton School System and yet My Pittsburgh, PA school would not take their credits and moved me three grades down! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
15, In 1979 once again I was sent to a home related to Pittsburgh Public Schools not treating me right and getting rid of the problem. I hate PPS!! Yes, I am tough because I survived.
Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.
Older post can be seen by the month I wrote them in.