Don't blame video games or films.

I have heard many times by people and the media or newspapers that video games cause kids to be violent. To this statement I say don't blame video games. You see I can back up my claims, it is very easy for me to do. Because I played video games as a child and I never hurt anyone, never been arrested nor have I gone out and killed anyone.

The point is this. When I was a child and got angry at being beaten up by kids at school I would play Pinball back in the 70's and then video games in the 80's. It helped me to get rid of my anger and kept me from hurting the punks who attacked me. It calmed me down. Video games that have fighting or killing don't have to have a bad name if the parents explain to the child that what you do in a game is not real. What you do to another person is, but video games can be used as a form for anger therapy. If done correctly it works.

So, the next time you hear some kid went out and shot up a school don't blame video games. Start looking for other causations to the crime such as the parents or school officals not dealing with a child who has been abused. Help the abused child and take action against the bully then you will reduce outbreaks of shootings and violence.

In short. Use logic to solve the problem or problems. Don't look for someone or something to blame.

This rule can also apply to films they cause no one to harm since a film or game controls nothing they can not control you.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

Older post can be seen by the month I wrote them in.

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