I am tough. That is a fact! Part 2.

6, When I would go to school my mother would come to the school walking for miles to meet me after school in an effort to reduce me being beaten. Yes, I am tough because I survived.

7, It was so bad she would give candy to the kids and tell them don't beat up my son.
es, I am tough because I survived.

8, My mother would walk to the schools and talk with those in charge begging them to suspend those who attacked me. They never did.
es, I am tough because I survived.

9, In 1976, I saw my real dad get hit by a car by a drunk driver ( MADD was not around back then nor were any good drunk driving laws. The driver never spent a day in jail!) and I almost went with my dad to cross the street. I would have been dead as well. My real dad died for all intents and purposes on the ground in front of me and the rest of my family. I was twelve years old!
es, I am tough because I survived.

10, Later that year two aunts died three deaths within two months.
es, I am tough because I survived.

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.

Older post can be seen by the month I wrote them in.


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